Maths English PE Weeks 1 – 2 Humorous verse including riddles. Prefixes and suffixes Athletics outside – running and general athletic skills. Games outside. Ball skills related to netball, cricket, football and rugby. Indoor P.E. with Mr Bull. Weeks 3 -5 Information writing about castles. The children will do tasks linked to topic work. Art Castle art using ICT. DT Lo Winding up mechanisms linked to casltes. Geography – Maps Related to the Environment. Where is Horton Kirby? Why do people move to a new home? Why do people travel? How do they travel? What might they see from a plane? (Plan views)Mapping the school to show where minibeasts and trees are found. ICT Order numbers to 100, find 1 more or less and 10 more or less. Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20, fluently. Round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Know and understand 2 digit numbers. Use known number facts to solve harder sums. Use money to solve problems. Continue to work on multiplication and division facts. Knights and Castles Topic Web – Term 5 We will have a visit from the Curio van to help inspire us to write about a magic pebble. History Looking at the changes in this village and the changes at Leeds Castle. Internet Research – children will research Programming – an introduction to Scratch. Data base work – collecting information and inputting data. Science – Changing to be Sciencematerials – Materials completed. How do we classify materials?, Grouping animals, making man made and natural observations, finding similarities materials, changing materials, and differences between those which stay changed and organisms, identifying plants those that can change back. and animals in the local Thermal materials. environment, food chains and looking at how offspring grow in to adults. PSHE Working together. Handling difficult situations, It’s good to be me. People who help us. R.E. The Hindu religion, where it originated, the different faces of God and stories linked to the faith. J Holden