Newsletter Term 1

St Paul’s Class Newsletter: September 2012.
Dear Parents, Welcome back to school! We hope that you all enjoyed the summer
holidays. Here is an overview of the topics that we will be covering this term and some
important information about our class routine.
Learning journals will be given out on Fridays and will be collected back on Wednesdays.
Please support your child with their literacy and numeracy homework tasks which will
be practical based and a meaningful experience for your child to consolidate learning
from the class. Spellings will be tested the following Friday and we will focus on the
spelling patterns in our daily phonics.
This term we will be listening and responding to poetry focusing on using our senses and
our body parts. We will also be looking at two stories with familiar settings; ‘The
Rainbow Fish’ and ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ and we will have a visit from Blunder Bus to
support this learning. Please hear your child read every night and record in the yellow
reading diary.
Our number work is based on practical activities that involve counting, ordering and
relating mathematical ideas to everyday situations to make the children’s learning
purposeful. We will be learning about adding and subtracting numbers, number bonds,
solving problems and how to record our work.
Our topic is ‘Ourselves’ and we will be learning about similarities and differences
between themselves and others, labelling our bodies and comparing different foods. We
will learn about the 5 senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell) and use these to
respond to ideas and make observations.
Our topic this term is ‘Families’ and we will be learning about God’s love and care for
every family and will look at different family members and how they care for us. We
will read stories from the Bible and reflect and pray, thinking about Jesus and how
Mary and Joseph loved him very much.
Our focus for this term is continuing with the Olympics and thinking about how it has
inspired us. Our topics this term are speed stacks and football skills. We will normally
have our PE lessons on a Tuesday afternoon, however please ensure your child has their
PE kit in school every day.
The children will have the opportunity to explore and learn about computers through
using a wide range of programmes, making learning cross curricular. This term the
children will be learning that computers can represent real or fantasy situations.
Our topic for this term is ‘Going to the Seaside’ and we will be using our enquiry skills
and geographical language to locate places on maps and look at secondary sources of
information such as photographs and objects from a beach.
We will be using our artistic skills to create collages this term, using a range of
materials to create different textures, especially focusing on line, shape and colour
blending. We will look at the work of Matisse and William Morris.
We will use music and singing in many of our lessons as a way of remembering our
learning and our sounds. The children will be provided with many new and exciting
opportunities by playing the ocarinas on Wednesday and singing songs on Fridays.
Performances will take place in assemblies to share our learning.
The topic is ‘Who I am and what inspires me’. We will focus on speaking and listening to
each other through circle times and share challenges, goals, achievements and things
that worry us. We will also be learning about belonging to a community, making the class
a safe and good place to learn and learning ways to solve problems.
The children will be learning some French this term including basic greetings, classroom
language and numbers to 10.
Please send a labelled water bottle into school so that your child can stay hydrated
throughout the day. We will keep these clean and topped up throughout the week and
return them on a Friday. Please note that reading books and diaries need to be in school
every day. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you wish to speak with me. I
very much look forward to meeting you in October to discuss your child’s progress.
Miss Booth
(Class Teacher).