Curriculum Information for Parents

Curriculum Information for Parents
Year Group: 1
Date: Summer 11
You can help by:
We will be continuing with our Read, Write Inc programme. The
children are all working on writing interesting sentences and using
capital letters and full stops. Some groups have started to use other
types of punctuation and look at different genres. We will also be
learning to write instructions and non-fiction information about insects.
Asking your child about what they have
learnt in their Read, Write, Inc lessons
and helping them to practice these skills
at home. You can also help by reading a
range of non-fiction books about insects
and growing plants.
You can help by:
We will be teaching the children to partition a number into tens and
units, find missing numbers and subtracting numbers to 50. The
children will be learning to visualise, describe and sort 3D shapes.
Help your child to subtract numbers up to
50. Play games to identify missing
numbers. Practice counting forwards and
backwards in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Theme – Water World
Science: Growing
We will be exploring seeds, plants and insects. The children will take part in lots of practical activities and
investigations involving the parts of plants and conditions for growth. During our visit to Brandon Marsh we will learn
about the importance of respecting and caring for our environment.
PSHE: The children will be exploring relationships and how to maintain and develop friendships.
RE: The children will be learning about different religious symbols and places of worship.
(Subjects not covered this half term will be covered at other times throughout the school year)
Home learning
The children will bring home reading books every day, they are expected to read five times a week to an adult, this
must recorded in their reading diaries for their book to be changed. Homework will be set on a Friday and must be
returned to school by the following Wednesday.
Other Information:
Your child’s PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school (plain black/blue shorts, white T-shirt, pumps for
indoors and trainer for outside, plain jogging bottoms/leggings for cold weather).