Ancient Civilizations – Unit 5: (Part II) Middle Ages in Western Europe and the Crusades Test Study Guide and Practice Exercises Name: _______________________ Period: _____ Overall description: The test will consist of 6 sections. Each section in this study guide provides helpful information on each of the test sections. Section 1: Map Skills (For this part of the study guide, use “Geography Review: Unit 5” handout. On the test, all map based questions will come from the list of geographic features mentioned in that handout) Section 2: Chronology: Place the following events in a chronological order (place an appropriate letter below each year on the timeline) a). Charles Martel stops Muslim invasion into Western Europe at the Battle of Tours b). Approximate (very rough estimate) beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe c). Charlemagne crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III d). Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture e). Pope Urban II calls on the Crusade against the Muslims at the Council of Claremont f). Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks g). King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella finish the Reconquista of Spain h). William the Conqueror wins the Battle of Hastings, ushering the Norman rule in England i). Bubonic plague arrives to Sicily on Genoese (Italian) merchant ships j). Joan of Arc, after being condemned as a witch and a heretic, burned at the stake 1075 500 732 800 1066 1095 1347 1431 1453 1492 3. Matching (10 items from the list below will be selected for the matching section on the test) Fief Feudal Contract Charlemagne Saladdin King Richard Tithe Crusades Sacraments Diocese Clergy Three-Field System Common Law Serfs Guild Burghers Vernacular Manorialism Feudalism Joan of Arc Excommunication Reconquista Simony Secular Monasticism Scholastics Franks Lay Investiture Gothic Pope Urban II Henry IV William of Pope Gregory VII Inquisition Thomas Aquinas Magna Carta Normandy Parliament Hugh Capet Philip II Great Schism 100 Years’ War 4. Multiple Choice: Below you will find clues / helpful hints for each multiple choice question on the test. (in other words, review/know the following:) 1. Approximate years of the Middle Ages. Collapse of what empire ushered the Medieval Age? 2. Non-European invaders during the early Middle Ages. Famous battle that stopped the Muslim advance into Western Europe during the Middle Ages. 3. The Church’s involvement / influence in people’s lives during the Middle Ages. 4. Accomplishments / legacy of Charlemagne 5. Feudal contract or feudal obligations between various social classes in Western Europe 6. Effect of invasions on manorialism and trade in Western Europe 7. Church tax 8. Papal Supremacy – understanding / definition 9. Papal “punishments” to those who stand against him 10. Norman Conquest – where: from? to? / Leader? Etc. 11. Importance of Magna Carta (details, effects on the power of kings in England) 12. Principles of Magna Carta 13. Parliament – definition, composition, duties. 14. French dynasty of 300 years and their accomplishments 15. Basis of wealth in the Early Middle Ages vs. Late Middle Ages 16. Guilds – members, workers, services 17. Effects of the Commercial Revolution and growth of cities in Late Medieval Period 18. Contributions of Church scholars during the Middle Ages 19. The Crusades (what, where, who, when, why) 20. Consequences of the Black Death in Europe 21. Anti-Semitism 22. Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade 23. Consequences of the Crusades 24. Major cause of the Hundred Years’ War 25. Significant results of the Hundred Years’ War 26. Religious orders (difference between monks and friars) 27. The Great Schism 28. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella – Inquisition and Reconquista Section 5: Short Answers: (two questions will be chosen from the following list of topics) 1. What was the most powerful political institution during the entire span of Middle Ages in Western Europe: monarchy, nobility, or the Church? Explain with specific examples. 2. What were the Sacraments and why were they so important to the followers of Roman Christianity in Western Europe during the Middle Ages? 3. Discuss major motivations of various social classes for joining the Crusades OR What were the major effects of the Crusades in Europe? 4. Explain this statement: “Manors were mostly self-sufficient” in the Middle Ages. 5. List and explain major effects of the Black Death on Europe. 6. How did the Catholic Church influence the lives of European Christians? Provide Examples. Section 6: Primary Source: (There will be two primary sources on the test). Let’s practice! At the beginning of October, in the year of the incarnation of the Son of God 1347, twelve Genoese galleys . . . entered the harbor of Messina (in Sicily). In their bones they bore so virulent a disease that anyone who only spoke to them was seized by a mortal illness and in no manner could evade death. The infection spread to everyone who had any contact with the diseased. Those infected felt themselves penetrated by a pain throughout their whole bodies and, so to say, undermined. Then there developed on the thighs or upper arms a boil about the size of a lentil which the people called "burn boil". This infected the whole body, and penetrated it so that the patient violently vomited blood. This vomiting of blood continued without intermission for three days, there being no means of healing it, and then the patient expired. Questions: (1) What is being described in the passage? (2) Where did this disease come from? (direction or region) – thinking question!