Drama I—THEATRE HISTORY Research Project You will be researching and creating a short oral presentation, accompanied by a PowerPoint slide show, or other media of your choice, about a period in theatre history. Project components: 1. Short oral presentation 2. Related slide show (or other media) 3. Works Cited list 4. Submit text of your oral presentation to Turnitin.com First, choose one of the following theatre history time periods to research: 1) THEORIES OF THE EARLIEST & PRIMITIVE THEATRE 2) GREEK THEATRE & ROMAN THEATRE 3) EGYPTIAN, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, and Mycenaean THEATRE 4) HINDU, CHINESE, & JAPANESE THEATRE 5) MEDIEVAL/Middle Ages THEATRE (up to 1500) 6) ITALIAN RENAISSANCE THEATRE 7) SPANISH THEATRE up to 1700 8) English Theatre from the Middle Ages to 1642 9) ELIZABETHAN THEATRE 10) FRENCH RENAISSANCE THEATRE—1500-1700 11) RESTORATION & 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH THEATRE (1642-1800) 12) Italian and French Theatre in the 18th Century 13) Theatre in Northern and Eastern Europe during the 18th century 14) 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN and European THEATRE 15) The beginnings of Modern Theatre 1875-1915 16) Theatre between WWI and WWII 17) Theatre and Drama 1940-1960 18) Theatre and Drama 1960 to 2000 19) THEATRE today Project Requirements: A short oral and visual (PowerPoint) presentation which addresses the 5 W’s: 1. What? a. Clarify the time period in theatre history you are researching. b. What are the major characteristics of this time period? c. What kind of literature, playwright, performer, music, costumes, set, props or sound effects were used? 2. Where? a. Where were performances primarily held? 3. When? a. When were performances held? 4. Who? a. Who performed? Actors? Dancers? Others? b. Who watched? Describe the type of audience. c. Who wrote the material? Playwrights? d. Who directed the work? e. Who handled the technical aspects? Designers? Technicians? f. Who are some of the most famous people associated both directly and indirectly with this period of theatre history? 5. Why? a. Why did theatre evolve during this time? b. Why were these performances created? c. Why were certain actors/costumes/scenery used? d. Why did theatre stop after this time period was over, or start at the beginning of this time period? 6. How? a. How did this era evolve? b. How did any performance work evolve? *SUGGESTIONS FOR CREATING A LIVELY ORAL PRESENTATIONS: *Play appropriate background music * Find a short video clip discussing or demonstrating something related to your time period. *Come dressed in an appropriate costume THEATRE HISTORY RESEARCH PROJECT TASK POINT VALUE POINTS EARNED ORAL PRESENTATION 25 POINTS POWERPOINT 25 POINTS WORKS CITED PAGE 10 POINTS Oral presentation text submitted to Turnitin.com 25 POINTS TOTAL POINTS 85 NOTE: ANY EVIDENCE OF PLAGIARISM WILL EARN YOU A “0” FOR THIS PROJECT.