FIGURE #1 -Reading: Comprehension: Communication -Writing: grammar, style, format - Math/Arithmetic -Study Skills -Test taking skills -Behavioral: punctuality, self-awareness, and professionalism - Time management/life & coping skills/personal management skills English: -Connect – real life/professional/practical examples -More basic courses Math: -More basic courses -Connect… Science: Guidance: - Focused/tailor-fitted to student needs - Tutor/study groups/peer/subject groups/support groups 1. Expectation of attendance/consistency 2. Be organized 3. Time management/day, life…out of class time management/study skills/semester calendar 4. Planning class schedule 5. Knowing resources: tutoring, counseling, library, etc. 6. What it means to be a college student/adult learner 7. Register early 8. Reading, writing, citing sources: requirements & needs 9. Monitor own status in class/ know what their grades are-Academic Alert 10. Be able to research info: read, analyze info/skills 11. Knowledge and familiarity with technology 12. Communication 13. Ask why am I here as a student?? Set goals: obtainable goals 14. Engage student: social integration/knowledge of clubs, organizations, AFFIRM 15. Learning styles 16. Self management: be prepared 17. No handheld devices: cell phones, mp3s, etc. 18. Understand college documentation and how to read them: class schedule, catalog syllabus, etc. Academic: *Reading -Comprehension [basic math, basic reading] *Writing *Integration of reading & writing (contextual between subjects) -Advocate an original idea -Critical thinking skills -Note taking/study skills -Organizational tools: take classes in a sequence *Collaboration among divisions Behavioral: -Responsible for work outside class (Reading/studying: 2 hours+/unit/week) -Arrive on time -Staying through class -Expectations: communicate them syllabus -Respect -Active participant in their education (attendance) *Family & peer support for life as “student” Mandatory Orientation: -1 week before class starts: -A week worth of workshops (25 hours total) -Study skills -Course sequences -Academic resources -Financial resources -Behavioral expectation (see previous page) *Respect for instructor -Interrupting -Tardiness -Doing other tasks, eating, etc. *Bring books to class *Take notes *Respecting classmates -Other opinions *Content instructors reinforce basic skills -Reading, writing, math, study skills *Instructors refer to/publicize study services -Model for students – engagement -Peers model, service learning Behaviors *Showing up to class on time *Regard for authority *Self-management skills to include: -Expectations -Time management -Note taking -Proper preparation -Engagement/participation -Respect -Mutually agreed upon contract regarding behavior -Appreciation of education ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS *Literate with reading, writing, and information literacy *Plagiarism awareness *Study skills *Knowledge of college culture *Critical thinking skills *Careful reading *Follow verbal & written instructions *Budget & planning support *Interpersonal communication skills (B) Physical & Mental attendance -Require text materials -Read the required texts -Reading skills-critically, actively for type of subject matter -Organizational skills -Planning - day, week; paper *Note taking *Motivate to read text *Critical thinking skills beyond facts -Assignments -Tests (B) Class behaviors – on task, active listening [inside <->outside] - No rudeness, no texting (B) Empower students to police each other’s behavior (G) Identify at-risk students Larger classrooms; new desks; discussion groups *Summarize reading *Basic writing expectations: spelling, punctuation; grammar *Consult English dept. for resources -Encourage students to attend RWLC areas -Consider common readings -> Reading & Responses from other subject -From MATH/COMPUTER SCIENCE: -Basic computer literacy -Precision, attention to details (G) Discussion/small group skills (G) Study skills -Don’t listen to student gossip about other teachers -Build success and confidence levels over semester (B) Common decency in and out of classroom (Spitting, language, littering) (B) No text-messaging language in classroom writing *Visual Stimuli: Inside/outside different steps for banners w/ success across campus *Student Center: hang out; study in groups *Manage finances, life skills; apply for financial aid – Reading, writing, business *THRESHOLD on entering campus: change behavior -Behave in respectful manner -Understand and value worth *About Education-Expectations: -Made uncomfortable -Unknown part of learning -Recognize what we don’t know *Emphasize RESOURCES -PROGRAMS-work force development -Discipline-CONSISTENT CONSEQUENCES for bad behavior (no mixed messages)-in simple language (not formal, legal language) -Health: Sleep, diet, exercise, germs education Eng: writing skills Reading comprehension/for instruction Math: algebra Guidance & Counseling: Classroom behavior & expectations *Time management skills *Reading comprehension/ writing *Critical thinking *Respectful behavior *Timeliness *Cell phones off *Study skills/value of homework *Appreciate knowledge for own sake *Independent/self motivated *Enlightened *Self-responsibility *Following directions *Interpreted disciplines (learning communities/co-requirements) *Early requirements *Too many units taken *Test taking skills *Help from research justifying better requirements DISCIPLINE*Delivery-tact is everything Behavioral-Attend -Repetition -Preparation and planning -Communication of services -Etiquette -Phone, attendance, dress, spitting, punctuality, smoking -Conduct -Financial Aide -Alignment and communication with faculty (books & supplies) -Walk our talk Academic -Reading department- Reading/comprehension -Reading specific details -Instructor statement of support services -Encourage counselor support (SEP) -Provide website to book -Accountability -High expectations -Mandatory orientation (Preventative measure) -Faculty Session cohort -Collaborative practices -Faculty – Counselors -Coordinators of special programs -E.G. Learning Skills, DSPS, ESL, EOPS, Reading-Writing, Math -Summer Bridge – jump-start basic skill level 1 FIGURE #2 -Communicate – inter-department -Delta Services – tutoring, counseling, RWLC, library -Invite counselors to class -Be knowledgeable about what other disciplines are teaching/topics/etc. -Interdepartmental faculty meetings -Shared classroom activities e.g. physic-nsg/early childhood-reading/food sciencesmicroscopy -Modeling-walk the talk -Use activities/exercises that benefit other disciplines e.g. On Course -Campus wide mitigations for behavioral/academic expectations PE/ARTS/Communication 1. Know what we are doing (model) 2. Integrate disciplines (connect & support) 3. Reference (fig #1 & #2) *Shorter semesters *Refer to resources -RWLC *Spearhead develop of common behavior guidelines for all disciplines *Learning committees –example i.e. A: sociology/history/literature – genders B: Econ/business/Math *Formal learning committees *Improve structure-links *Systematic *Informal linkages *History & English- with common or contextual assignments *Meeting with other divisions, faculty, for common goals & targets - nursing & sociology *Collaboration with inter-discipline – sociology & psych *Draw connections between disciplines *Take a class in another discipline – see what is happing in other classes *Continue to require significant amounts of quality in writing *Increase communication with and about: -DSPS services & requirements -Teach Reading & writing – proper placement -Background knowledge -Build curiosity -Make research accessible -Use varied assignments -Organizational skills -Study skills-use the syllabus -Should we resurrect study skills classes? -Should Study Skills courses be required? -Study Skills as part of a LC? -Disseminate other department’s information *Being proactive – Example: Library 1 *Learning community integrated assignments – example: Guidance 5, Library 1 *Campus resources reinforced and advertised across campus *Educational/Career Planning/Life Planning *Reinforcing the realities and expectations *Liaison with other departments *Information literacy *Teaching self-advocacy *Classroom presentations – English IA 1) Actively seek input from other divisions & connect to reading & writing E.g. using sociology material in reading courses (content specific) E.g. types of assignments: -Life application wg. -Legal briefs -Business reports -Nursing reports 2) Share teachers’ strategies -Thesis -Complete sentences -Modeling learning strategies. E.g. dictionary 3) Provide alternative assignments for students to choose form-Math problem related to getting a loan -Make problem related to calculating student grade -Allows for varied interests and learning styles 4) Recognize individual needs and skills -Health -Learning styles -Spatial needs 5) Advise other teaches about students’ skills -Use info on individual assessment levels to help determine teaching strategies -Share D.R.P. information -Share SLOs. No research skills until English 1A -Level I reading material vs. level II 6) Encourage alternative learning situations: -Learning community structured & non-structured -Field trips discussions -Discuss educational possibilities with students. Push students to transfer, to apply for financial aid, to open the door, to travel, to explore. 7) Early diagnostic center *Maintain high level of expectations for student conduct *Help students recognize the practical application of subjects taught in other disciplines *Actively encourage collaborative efforts with basic skills disciplines. *Provide career pathway for undirected students. *Be knowledgeable about other programs/disciplines/services *Writing assignments *Setting & reinforcing rules *Assignments that ask students’ opinion & reasoning to support it *Show progression of courses in our discipline *Carts & graphs/tables-creating & interpreting *Clear understanding of grading (my opinion or yours) *Unstructured (conversational) meetings among faculty regularly held *Helping other disciplines – Look at content -Guidance 11 – covering the priority of other disciplines *Early Intervention ex: Academic Alert, EOPS Progress Support/Report *Mini-workshops on study skills (at the start of a semester) *Educating Faculty about Learning Disabilities (Self-reporting eligibilityaccommodations) *First time student flier in a counseling session FIGURE #3 & #4 Common Things? -Convey/Instill appropriate behaviors from students -Consistent: -Example: class hours (52 mins) -Convey expectations (whatever they are) and hold students to this equality (no differential statement) Collaborations ** Agree-consistency -Institutional support-buy in –support from administrations -Peer assessment review 1. Start/stop classes on time 2. Develop “classroom contract” with students 3. Reinforce class guidelines 4. Make expectations clear 5. Clear assignment instructions 6. Class communication etiquette 7. Include current events/technology 8. Encourage students to take library workshops to retrieve and cite sources 9. To weave/adapt to different learning styles 10. Alternating ways of giving assessments 11. Incorporate Meaningful and creative (relevant) assignments 1. Information sharing through workshops, workgroups, etc. 2. Publish each other’s office hours 3. Shared assignment on Docushare Mix Discipline Common-textbooks at a place all faculty can review *Format CIS – see BP – policy & procedure *Classroom etiquette – -No PDAs (handhelds) -No cell phones -Not tardy - No spitting -No smoking -Respectful interactive behavior COMMON ASSIGNMENTS ACROSS CURICULUM -Writing - Essay -Drama review critique -Math -Nursing- dosage calculate -Theater – geometry scale, etc. DELIVERY STYLES Lecture small groups – all projects based assignments CIS Format- ALL MAKE IT WORK ACROSS CURRICULUM -Increase English Language Skills – assignments are original work, writing, ect. AGREEMENTS -No use of PHHD’s unless authorized by Professor -Behavior-On time, don’t leave early, no excess absences, take turns speaking *List section 504 RE: Disabilities & accommodations on syllabi *Universal Anti-Plagiarism Statement in syllabus *Writing Across the Curriculum *Introduce students to e-mail/portal COMMON THINGS? (3) *Create buy-in -Course content & student behavior *High expectations *Acknowledge success 1) 2) 3) 1. 2. ACROSS CURRICULUM? (4) *Buy-in discussions *X-discipline workshops Information sheet: put behavior expectation there-academic honesty Practical applications, not just theory, checkpoint questions, consistent homework, in-class review, homework feedback, solution should be posted, customized teaching material for each class, class survey to get feedback from students. Re-exam instructors with high dropping rate attendance sheet, making use of academic alert. -Good ideas should be part of instructor’s assessment. Classroom behavior –a contract Assessment variety- in class – online *Clear assignments – rubric/matrix *Campus resource referral – “scavenger hunt” *Behavior expectations – access campus *Require reading & writing in all classes *Attention to learning styles – modalities in instructional delivery *Recognize the “learning different student”- workshop needed *Career connections & content courses – need for workshop/faire- know what expected in courses towards career goal *Match SLOA’s for courses within the program sequence & across curriculum *Explain about college- especially SJDC Electrical – assignment -Do a research paper 3 ½ pages to include electrical topics -EX: who invented the electrical chair? *Assessment tests – rubrics for evaluation (levels of proficiency) *Writing/multiple choice – essays *Rubric – delivery (business) *Styles of delivery – lecturing lab *Delivery impacted by size of class *Across curriculum? -Reading-English/Critical thinking -Collaboration -Tell counselors what you want students to know!