Seasonal Solar Input Project: Angle of InSOLation Lab Lab: Part A Background Information In the narrow sense of the word, Climate is the average or typical state of the weather at a particular location and time of year. Its description includes the average of such variables as temperature, humidity, windiness, cloudiness, precipitation, visibility etc., and also the expected range of the deviations of these variables from the mean. In the broadest sense however, climate is the state of the Earth's habitable environment consisting of the following components and the interactions between them: The atmosphere, the fast responding medium which surrounds us and immediately affects our condition. The hydrosphere, including the oceans and all other reservoirs of water in liquid form, which are the main source of moisture for precipitation and which exchange gases, such as CO 2, and particles, such as salt, with the atmosphere. The land masses, which affect the flow of atmosphere and oceans through their morphology (i.e. topography, vegetation cover and roughness), the hydrological cycle (i.e. their ability to store water) and their radiative properties as matter (solids, liquids, and gases) blown by the winds or ejected from earth's interior in volcanic eruptions. The cryosphere, or the ice component of the climate system, whether on land or at the ocean's surface, that plays a special role in the Earth radiation balance and in determining the properties of the deep ocean. The biota - all forms of life - that through respiration and other chemical interactions affects the composition and physical properties air and water. In our generation climate is receiving unprecedented attention due to the possibility that human activity on Earth during the past couple hundred years will lead to significantly large and rapid changes in environmental conditions. These changes could well affect our health, comfort levels, and ability to grow and distribute food. APES introduces the climate system and the processes that determine its state as a problem in physical science. Our goal is to explain the properties of the climate system and its governing processes in a quantitative manner, so that a better understanding of today's environmental issues can be achieved. While APES is mainly concerned with the properties of atmosphere and hydrosphere and the physical laws governing their behavior, attention to the solid and living earth will also be given in another part of this lab, as far as they affect atmosphere and hydrosphere. Within the climate system the atmosphere plays the role of the efficient communicator. The atmosphere is capable of quickly moving and distributing mass and heat over large distances, horizontally and vertically and spread the effect of frequent perturbations to remote regions of the globe within hours to days from their occurrence. The atmosphere directly affects life on Earth by supplying the gases for the respiration of vegetation and animals and by moving water from oceanic regions to be deposited in liquid or solid form on land. The atmosphere also shelters life on Earth from the extreme and potentially harmful effects of direct solar radiation. The oceans are most important because of their tremendous heat storage potential and their ability to distribute that heat horizontally. The composition and motion of the water in the hydrosphere sustains a rich and diverse life system. The exchange of gases and heat between oceans and 1 A atmosphere determines the physical properties and composition of both these sub-systems and is one of the primary climate processes. We begin APES in a study of solar radiation, the primary energy source for Earth and its climate system. We examine the properties of the Sun and its energy and the laws governing the transfer of this energy through space from the Sun to the Earth. We then study in detail the transformation of this solar energy on Earth and gain first appreciation on how this energy shapes the properties of Earth's climate. Energy from the Sun. The energy that drives the climate system comes from the Sun. When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth, it is partially absorbed in different parts of the climate system. The absorbed energy is converted back to heat, which causes the Earth to warm up and makes it habitable. Solar radiation absorption is uneven in both space and time and this gives rise to the intricate pattern and seasonal variation of our climate. To understand the complex patterns of Earth's radiative heating we begin by exploring the relationship between Earth and the Sun throughout the year, learn about the physical laws governing radiative heat transfer, develop the concept of radiative balance, and explore the implications of all these for the Earth as a whole. We examine the relationship between solar radiation and the Earth's temperature, and study the role of the atmosphere and its constituents in that interaction, to develop an understanding of the topics such as the "seasonal cycle" and the "greenhouse effect". We complement this lecture by a set of two laboratory assignments that explore in much more detail the spatially and seasonally varying elements of the Earth radiation budget as they are revealed through satellite observations of the Earth. This lab will help you understand and also address some of the common misconceptions about seasons and climate. The fallacy held by many graduates and faculty from Harvard University is that summer in the northern hemisphere occurs when the Earth is closer to the Sun, a position known as “perihelion”. Actually, the opposite is true. The position at which Earth is closest to the Sun occurs during winter in the northern hemisphere. Earth is actually physically farther from the Sun during “Aphelion”. This is Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The seasons occur because of differences in the intensity of sunlight at various latitudes due to the Earth’s 23.5° tilt. As seen in the figure to the right, the sun’s rays are nearly parallel as they reach the surface of the Earth. The same amount of energy is found in each of the groups of rays, from group A, to group B, as each pair of lines is the same distance apart. Both groups start at the same latitude above and below the equator. Due to the tilt of the Earth, the area covered by group A is greater than B. The northern hemisphere is therefore cooler and therefore experiencing winter. Group A would be at winter solstice, while group B would be at summer solstice, whereas halfway in between group A and B would be the spring or fall equinox. This lab will address the changes in amount of energy available to heat water as the seasons change. This lab project will continue on a monthly basis from now, through winter solstice and then back to spring equinox. Materials Temperature probe Black Container with Lid 250 mL beaker Graduated cylinder Chilled water 2 meter sticks Calculator Styrofoam plate timer Poor-Man’s Clinometer Procedure Create two data tables similar to the one below; however give yourself room for many more rows, as you will be continuing to collect monthly data until just after the spring equinox. You will be collecting this data as an individual, and sharing it to get class averages, so you will need two tables in order to get the class data as well. 1. indicate the weather conditions as sunny, mostly sunny, mostly cloudy, or cloudy in data table 2. take and record ambient temperature using the probeware. Record in data table 3. find an area that is not near buildings and will not be blocked by shadows a. place your energy absorbing black container on the insulated Styrofoam plate b. carefully place temperature probe and 200 mL of chilled water into container 2 A B B c. 4. 5. Date start timer and determine time needed to obtain a 10 degree temperature change set up a proportion, if it takes 25 minutes to go up 3º, how long will it take to go up 10 º? d. put data into class data table, and determine the average of the data from all participants find the angle of inclination using the two meter stick method a. hold one of the meter sticks vertically so that it makes a shadow on the ground b. record the length of the shadow, using the other meter stick c. divide the length of the meter stick by the length of the shadow using the same units. (cm. M, mm) d. determine the angle by taking the tan-1 of this ratio e. put average group data in data table, determine the average data from all class participants f. use your clinometer to determine the angle of insolation manually. Put that information in your data table too. How close was your calculation to your clinometer reading? (Don’t forget to subtract from 90 degrees.) calculate the number of days before (-) or after (+) winter solstice (December 21, 2010) and put this information into the data table also. Weather Conditions Ambient Temperature Days from Winter Solstice (+/-) Class Average Time for Temperature Change Class Average Angle of Inclination Tan-1 Manual Please address analysis questions in April, when lab is complete. Analysis Questions: 1. 2. Was everyone’s time for the temperature change the same? Why did you average all the values? Graph the data from your data table, using days from winter solstice as x-axis a. Use average time for temperature change as the y-axis putting labels on the left side of the graph b. Use average angle of inclination as the y-axis putting labels on the right side of the graph c. Make sure that the maximum for angle of inclination is the same height as the maximum for time for temperature change 3. What is the general shape of the data of each graph? Why? 4. What happens to the angle of insolation and time for temperature change on Autumnal Equinox? Winter Solstice? Vernal Equinox? Using this information, hypothesize about what might happen to the angle of insolation and time for temperature change on the Summer Solstice. 5. Explain any relationship between your latitude (or longitude) and the angle of the light. In other words, would your results be much different if you were in Anchorage Alaska? 6. What physical factors about the planet Earth cause the changes seen in the intensity and angle of the light? 7. What are the changes in biomes associated with the change in the intensity and angle of the light? 8. How has this influenced the characteristics of the organisms, especially the producers in the area? 9. How does this influence the primary productivity and agriculture? 10. Do these results make any suggestions as to why global climate change is causing a greater temperature change in the arctic versus the equatorial regions? Why or why not? 3