HIS 101 03

HIS 101 04
To have another language is to possess a second soul.
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________
Put the letter of the correct answer in the box in Column B.
Which of the following statements regarding Charlemagne is NOT ACCURATE?
A. His father was Pepin, who was the actual founder of the Carolingian Dynasty.
B. He resisted the Carolingian Renaissance and the establishment of scriptoria.
C. He was a warrior who undertook fifty-four military campaigns to expand the territory of the Franks.
D. He was a “most Christian king” but he kept a number of concubines.
E His dispatched “messengers of the lord king” to ensure that his wishes were followed by all.
Which of the following statements regarding the Carolingian Empire is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It was the largest empire between the time of Rome and that of Napoleon in the 19th century.
B. It was held together by personal loyalty to a ruler who could ensure that loyalty by force if necessary.
C. Its administration depended on counts, who were Charlemagne’s chief representatives in local areas.
D. Its first king was Charles Martel, who paved the way for the accomplishments of Charlemagne.
E. Its government was inefficient and not run by officials committed to an impersonal ideal of state service.
Which statement regarding the Carolingian intellectual revival is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Alcuin focused on teaching Greek and ignored the liberal arts which were the basis of medieval education.
B. Charlemagne established a palace school and encouraged scholars to come to the Carolingian court.
C. The revival of classical studies and the efforts to preserve Latin culture took place in the monasteries.
D. Almost all the works of ancient Rome that we have today exist because of work done in scriptoria.
E. Charlemagne recognized the need for an educated clergy and literate government officials.
Who was the “greatest” Carolingian scholar?
A. Pepin
B. Leo III
C. Charles the Bald
D. Einhard
E. Alcuin
Which of the following statements regarding life in the Carolingian world is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It represented a blending of Roman, Germanic, and Christian practices.
B. The church accepted sex within marriage only for the purpose of producing children.
C. Because of advances in agriculture, it saw the first population growth since the end of the Roman Empire.
D. Carolingian monks and aristocrats changes clothed and bathed once a week, on Saturdays.
E. The main staple of the Carolingian diet was bread, and pork was the major meat.
Which of the following statements regarding the Treaty of Verdun is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It divided the Carolingian Empire into three major territories.
B. It brought peace with the Vikings, the Muslims, and the Magyars.
C. It was an agreement by Charles the Bald, Louis the German, and Lothar, grandsons of Charlemagne.
D. The Emperor was king of a “middle kingdom” which extended from the North Sea to the Mediterranean.
E. It provided a geographical basis for the emergence of two separate cultures, one French and one German.
Which statement regarding the invasion of Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Great Britain and its Anglo-Saxon kingdoms was the only area to escape the raids of the Vikings.
B. Of all the invaders, the most devastating and far-reaching attacks came from the Vikings.
C. The Northmen or Norsemen, a Germanic people from Scandinavia, were also known as the Vikings
D. Vikings settled a portion of the western Frankish land, in a region that came to be known as Normandy.
E. Vikings, like the Magyars, converted to Christianity and were assimilated into European civilization.
What happened to Charlemagne on Christmas Day, 800?
A. He opened the palace school at Aachen.
B. He completed the Treaty of Verdun
C. He defeated the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld.
D. He was killed by the Vikings
E. He was crowned emperor of Rome by the Pope.
Which statement regarding the invasion of Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Three groups of people invaded western Europe, and all were non-Christian.
B. One group of invaders converted to Christianity, settled down and established the kingdom of Hungary.
C. Muslim invaders captured Sicily and parts of southern France before their defeat at the Battle of Lechfeld.
D. One group of the invaders also discovered Iceland, Greenland, and founded a site in Canada.
E. The Scandinavian invaders succeeded because they were excellent warriors, shipbuilders, and sailors.
Which of the following statements regarding life in the Carolingian world is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Medical practice stressed the use of herbs and bleeding.
B. Everyone in Carolingian society, including religious leaders, drank heavily and often to excess.
C. Hospitality was a sacred duty but women travelers often had to become prostitutes for room and board.
D. The use of parchment as inexpensive reading material contributed to the Carolingian Renaissance.
E. Church views on monogamy and permanent marriage made the nuclear family the basic unit of society.
Which of the following is best associated with scriptoria?
A. missi dominici B. bleeding C. Carolingian minuscule D. prostitution E. Treaty of Verdun