Chemical Filter Conditions Chemical filter conditions determine the subset of the chemical data for which the backtrajectories are extracted, rendered, or gridded. The chemical filters fall into three major categories, filtering by parameter (e.g. SO4), location or by time. Setting filter conditions for these three data dimensions as well as conditions on the value of the chemical parameter, offers a rich toolkit for exploring the chemical transport conditions. The filter settings are accessible through the Query form, loaded by the query button, Q, on the right side of the map view of the Data Viewer. In the query form figure below, the parameter, location and time settings are highlighted for better orientation. In the section below, the settings of the parameter, location and time filters are explained. Specific filter combinations are presented for browsing the combined aerosol- trajectory database, ranging from a simple back-trajectory at a specific location and time to ensemble trajectories arising from elaborate filtering/aggregation operations. However, this open, flexible, web-based analysis tool was designed to encourage user-experimentation with various userdefined filers and aggregators. Parameter Filter The CATT chemical filter always operates on a specific single chemical parameter such as fine particle sulfate with param_abbr=SO4f. The filtering by parameter may also include conditions that depend on the value of the selected parameter. The parameter selection can be either by filling in the param_abbr field or by selecting the parameter from the list at the top of the DataViewer. The parameter settings can be entered through the main chemical query form. Under the section param_filter_conditions, the main choices for param_filter are: 1. Expression: only data points that satisfy the expression, e.g. value>5, are extracted. 2. Percentile: data points within the percentile range for a specific site are extracted, e.g. 95100%. 3. All values: all non-null data points are extracted regardless of their value. Clearly the purpose of the param_filter_condition is to identify parameter values particularly the high and low outliers. Location Filter The purpose of the location filter is to determine for which locations the trajectories should be extracted. Under loc_filter_conditions, the choices for loc_filter are: 1. Loc_code: Trajectories extracted for one selected site 2. Loc_code_list: Trajectories extracted for a user-specified list of sites, entered in the query form 3. Loc_range: Trajectories extracted for sites within in a latitude-longitude range set by the zoom rectangle of the Viewer 4. All locations: Trajectories extracted for all locations The utility of the location filter is to define for which site or geographical region the trajectories should be extracted. Single locations can be selected by (1) clicking on the site in the Map View, (2) filling in the query form, (3) use the Location selection list at the top of the Data Viewer. Time Filter The time_filter_conditions specify the time range and/or month-of-year for which the trajectories are to be extracted. The time_filter has three choices: 1. Datetime: Data points extracted for a single day. 2. Datatime_list: Data points extracted for a list of user-supplied dates. 3. Datetime_range: Data points within the time range set by the TimeView of the data viewer. 4. All Datetimes: All data points regardless of the sampling date. An additional time filter allows the filtering by specific month of the year. This filter is always applied in addition to the selected time filter. For instance, if the datetime_range is set to be 2000-2004 and the month filter is set to July only, then all the July data points for 2000-2004 will be selected. Application of Filter for Data “Slicing” The above filtering allows selection of data points from a ‘data cube’ with dimensions parameter, location and time. Depending on the settings, the three-dimensional data cube can be “sliced” to highlight different aspects of the data. For instance selecting data for a single date yields a spatial data slice (backtrajectories) for all locations for that day. This Conversely, selecting a specific location returns a temporal data slice, i.e. backtrajectories for all dates for that site. Below is a, illustrated list of specific filter conditions that yield useful data views through CATT. Of course, the user is encouraged to explore other settings, thus enriching the CATT family of tools. These examples are derived from the default CATT_T page: Single Site, Single Day Trajectories Settings: param_filter = all values loc_filter = loc_code time_filter = datetime There is a cursor on both the map view (a blue cross) and on the time view (a black vertical line). The cursor location can be moved by (1) clicking on the site in the Map View, (2) filling in the query form, (3) use the Location selection list at the top of the Data Viewer. The time-cursor for the back trajectory can be set (1) clicking on the site in the Time View, (2) filling in the query form, (3) use the Time selection box at the top of the Data Viewer. Note that when the map view shows no data that means that the day is not a sampling day. Click on the arrow buttons < > at the top of the viewer to move one day before or after the current date. This simple CATT mode is most useful when the backtrajectory for a specific chemical data point is to be viewed. Multi-Site, Single Day Trajectories For exploring the backtrajectories at multiple user-specified sites for a give day, the filter settings are: param_filter = all values loc_filter = loc_code_list (user specified) time_filter = datetime In this mode, the list of receptor locations is fixed as specified by the loc_code_list (e.g. e.g. ACAD1 SHEN1 GRSM1 UPBU1). This list can only be changed in the query form; moving the location cursor in the map view will not change the loc_code_list . The time navigation for this setting is the same as above. This CATT mode is helpful to show the airmass histories for specific sites that have unique features identified by the user. All Sites, Single Day Trajectories The overall transport pattern can be explored by the this mode, where all the backtrajectories are shown for all the sites that have data on that day. Settings: param_filter = all values loc_filter = loc_range (defined by the map view zoom rectangle) time_filter = datetime In this mode, the list of receptor locations include all the sites that are in the zoom rectangle of the map view. Moving the location cursor in the map view will not change the selected trajectories. The time navigation for this mode is the same as above: clicking on time view, changing the Time cursor at the top of the viewer and by changing the value of the datetime field (2001-05-04) in the query form. The setting loc_filter = all_locations differs from loc_range only selecting all stations, including the once outside the map view zoom rectangle. This single-day trajectory browsing mode provides a rich description of the transport conditions a given day. The trajectory rendering is enhanced color-coding and by changing the line thickness of the trajectories in proportion to the magnitude of the parameter value. . The trajectory rendering is set by the RT button (trajectory render-settings are described elsewhere). In this example, rainbow coloring is used. Trajectories with receptor SO4 concentration of 0 are shown as thin blue line. Trajectories with SO4 concentration over 20 ug/m3 are shown as heavier red lines. This color/thickness coding of trajectories conveys in an intuitive way the transport direction where ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ air is coming from. Limiting Trajectories by Parameter Value Limiting the trajectories to a give value range can highlight the origin of either high or low concentrations of a species on a given day. Settings: param_filter = expression expression = value > 5 loc_filter = loc_range (defined by the map view zoom rectangle) time_filter = datetime In the above example, the SO4 parameter was restricted to expression = value > 0 and value > 20 respectively. Imposing a value filter can eliminate ‘irrelevant’ trajectories, while highlighting those with ‘interesting value range. Single Site, Time-Range Trajectories The ensemble of backtrajectories to a single site illustrates the transport climatology to a specific site. Settings: param_filter = all values loc_filter = loc_code (a single user-selected location) time_filter = datetime_range (time range set in the time view of the DATA VIEWER) Preferential airmass transport pathways are clearly evident in this view. For example airmasses to Big Bend NP, TX (BIBE1) arrive predominantly from the Gulf of Mexico (SE), from the Pacific (W) and through the Great Planes from Canada. Evidently, air from the Northeast never transported directly to Big Bend. Enhancing high receptor concentration trajectories with reddish colors and thicker lines enhances the value of the ensample trajectories. For example at Big Bend, the high SOILf concentration (red) is originating either from the SE or from the West. The seasonal values July, SOILf April, SOILf > 5 July, SOILf > 5 April, SOILf > 5 Percentile Filter Settings: param_filter = percentiles (set at 0-20 or 80-100) loc_filter = loc_code (a single user-selected location) time_filter = datetime_range (time range set in the time view of the DATA VIEWER) shows transport for hilo conditions Sommer Hi-Lo percentile Winter Hi-Lo percentile Gridding and Grid Operators Filtered Grid Reference Grid Grid Operator Grid Rendering