Charity number SC004401 PROCUREMENT OFFICE PROCEDURE ON TENDERING FOR GOODS, SERVICES AND WORKS PUBLICATION 1. Notice of tender activity will be published in the the Public Contracts Scotland portal and where over the appropriate threshold, in OJEU. For Thresholds, please refer to the Thresholds document found in: 2. Timescales, evaluation criteria and weighting will be published. 3. Notification of access point for accessing PQQ/tenders will be included if the PQQ/tender is available electronically. EVALUATION OF PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRES For the ‘Restricted’ process, PQQs will be assessed based on the ability of participants to meet any mandatory selection requirements, such as the requirement to have a particular accreditation or qualification. There may also be various points scored questions and the methodology on how points will be attributed will appear on the PQQ when it is published. The University will reject companies not meeting the business criminality requirements and may reject those not meeting the business probity requirements – these are standard requirements as outlined by Scottish Procurement Directorate guidance. Following PQQ evaluation, letters will be issued to unsuccessful participants providing scores, ranking and detail on low scoring areas. EVALUATION OF TENDERS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES AND WORKS 1. Stage 1 - when tenders are received, they are usually evaluated for their ability to meet firstly any selection criteria (for tenders using the ‘Open’ process), contained in the tender questionnaire and then the minimum specification and mandatory requirements (for ‘Open’ and ‘Restricted’ processes). Companies not meeting the selection criteria and minimum standard of specification will be eliminated from the exercise and will not go onto round 2. 2. Stage 2 of the evaluation involves marking each tender against the evaluation criteria stated in the tender document and applying the weighting. An award can then be made to the company with the highest score unless further refinement is required for the evaluation panel to make a decision, for example in the case of a tie or where clarification of elements of the tender response is required. In this case the top scoring companies would go forward to round 3. If a company could not overtake the top scorer at round 2 by obtaining all the points attributable at round 3, then they will not be invited to go on to round 3. 3. Stage 3 of the evaluation will involve further investigation or presentations to address the residual issues described above and to clarify and expand upon areas where the tender evaluated at Round 2 may not have done the supplier justice. Investigations or presentations form an addition to the tender submission and as such the marks gained at round 2 are either confirmed or enhanced. New marks over and above the maximum available cannot be attributed at this stage and therefore enhancements can only be made to take a supplier to the maximum score against each criteria, so if a supplier scored full marks for a particular criteria at round 2 they cannot achieve more than that at presentation. For example a supplier scoring 100/100 at round 2 cannot improve on that in round 3 but a supplier scoring 90/100 may be able to increase their score to 100 but not more than 100 for that particular component in round 3 The top scoring company is awarded the contract. Note:For simplicity, marks are usually out of 100 and the weighting applied at stage 2 and 3 as appropriate. Reference: PR20-008-A Released: 16/05/2013 Owner: Procurement Office POST- TENDER STAGE 1. All suppliers taking part in the exercise will be sent award or reject/standstill letters by email and the award(s) will be published in the Public Contracts Scotland portal and OJEU if over the EC threshold. 2. Letters to unsuccessful participants will state the evaluation criteria where the recipient scored lower and if the EC standstill period applies, the names, score and ranking achieved by the recipient and the winning tender with the relative advantages of the winning tender disclosed so that further debriefing will generally not be required. Reference: PR20-008-A Released: 16/05/2013 Owner: Procurement Office