
Plate Tectonics Lab
 Understand the large-scale motions of plates over the surface of Earth.
 Describe the geologic features that form as a result of plate tectonics.
The 4 sections in this lab represent a cross-section of a typical set of plate tectonic structures (mostly
underwater) that you might find between 2 continents.
Part I
Tape together (from the back) the 4 sections starting from left to right. Label the following underlined
structures that correspond to the lettered label in the section sheets. Work from left to right.
Part II
After you have finished labeling all the parts, color in the 4 sections by area or structure. Use appropriate colors
for different structures and same structure color from section to section. Try to carefully color around your
labels. BE NEAT!
Part III
Answer the questions by interpreting the cross-section, and using your lecture notes and textbook. The
questions correspond to the structure under which they are listed.
Section 1 – Subduction Boundary/Shelf
A) Oceanic Plate
1. What is happening to this plate?
2. Why does it go under the continental plate?
3. Is this plate portion older or younger than the continental plate?
B) Continental Plate
4. What rock type could much of this continental plate portion be?
C) Friction Zone
5. Why is this called a friction zone?
6. Describe what happens here.
7. Connect the friction zone using a tube to its appropriate structure.
What rock type could this be?
8. What else happens here because of subduction?
D) Trench
9. Why are trenches the deepest portions of oceans?
10. These trenches could be deeper but are filled in with what material?
E) Continental Slope
F) Continental Shelf
G) Geosyncline
11. Briefly describe what this is and how it forms.
12. What rock type forms here?
H) Island Arc Volcano
13. Describe how this forms here.
14. Name a set of island arc volcanoes on Earth.
15. Is this plate boundary an area of crust construction or destruction?
Section 2 – Hot Spot
I) Dead Volcano
16. Explain why this volcano will not erupt again.
17. What will happen to it sometime in the future?
J) Hot Spot Volcano
18. Describe how this forms.
19. What rock type is this island?
20. Name a hot spot volcano (or group of hot spot volcanoes) on Earth.
21. Why do volcanoes come up over oceanic plate hot spots but not usually over continental plate
K) Laccolith
L) Hot Spot
22. Why does magma surface here?
23. Which is stationary on Earth, the plate or the hotspot?
24. Why are certain hot spot volcanoes the tallest mountains on Earth (from base to summit)?
Section 3 – Diverging Boundary/Rift
M) Mid-Ocean Ridge (and rift valley)
25. Describe what is happening here.
26. Is this an area of construction or destruction?
27. What rock type is coming up here?
28. Why is there a valley in the center of a mid-ocean ridge?
29. How many kilometers of mid-ocean ridge are there on Earth?
30. If the rising magma reaches the surface, if may form an island volcano. Give an Earthly example of
N) Aesthenosphere
31. Where does the rising heat here come from and how is it made?
32. Draw in 2 convection cells originating from this point to represent the rising heat. Label them in the
O) Lithosphere
P) Younger Crust
33. Describe the top and bottom layers here.
34. What might be trapped in these sediments for later study?
Q) Older crust
35. Is the layer of sediments here thicker or thinner than those at P?
36. Describe magnetism in the rocks as you go out from the ridge.
37. How can newly produced crustal rocks show different magnetism over time?
38. What other structures can be found here?
Section 4 – Subduction Boundary/Continent
R) Oceanic Plate
S) Earthquake Zone
39. Why do earthquakes occur here?
40. Are all earthquakes shallow at these subduction zones?
T) Friction Zone
41. Draw a magma tube to the surface from the friction zone. What might come off this tube?
U) Aesthenosphere
42. Describe how this area recycles crust.
V) Trench
W) Continental Shelf
X) Geosyncline
43. What might happen to these sediments over time?
Y) Inland Volcano
44. What might you find running in a line with this volcano?
45. Give an Earthly example of this.
Z) Continental Plate
46. Is this plate more or less dense than the oceanic plate?
47. Is this plate thicker or thinner than the oceanic plate?
48. Give an Earthly example for this plate.
49. Now give the corresponding oceanic plate example next to this plate.
50. What is all this motion called?
Write a paragraph using complete sentences and in third person.
Use the RACE method to answer the following question:
“What are the two types of plate boundaries shown in the lab?”
Within your conclusion, describe (in detail) what is happening at each type of boundary and the geologic
features that are formed at each type.
Make sure to cite specific evidence from the lab.