Earthquakes 1

Location: Bougainville region, Papua New Guinea
Magnitude: 4.8
Date and Time: Saturday, October 27, 2012- 08:23:15 AM-22:23:15
Depth of Focus: 62.10 km (38.59 miles)
Plate Boundary: Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence
Cause: The older crust is denser and sinks beneath the newer lighter crust, and is convergent
which vertical displacement occurs, in particular a thrust fault.
Location: Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada Region
Magnitude: 7.7
Date and time: Sunday, October 28, 2012 03:04:10
Saturday October 27, 2012 08:04:10 PM
Depth of focus: 17.50 Km (10.87 mi)
Plate boundary: Oceanic to continental
Cause: Oceanic and continental plates converge causing the oceanic plate to subduct below the
edge of the continental plate because it is denser.