2011 Workshop “Getting the Word Out: Marketing Your Educational Resources” Museums and cultural organizations throughout Iowa have a plethora of educational programs and resources designed for both in-house, or, on-site use, and as outreach materials. Most have been carefully researched and crafted to be authentic, engaging, and have value for educators. Presentations, exhibits, traveling displays, teaching trunks, lesson plans and activities of all kind meet formal education curriculum standards or assist in promoting the objectives of informal educational organizations. A persistent problem, however, is “ getting the word out” about these resources to the individuals most apt to want to use them. What are the best strategies for reaching and communicating with formal and informal educators? Join Phil Roeder from the Iowa Department of Education, La Shell Staley of Iowa Public Television, Mary Evans of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, and Gail Barels, Linn County Conservation Board, for suggestions on how to reach educators with your resources. This workshop will be an interactive panel discussion with our guests. Come prepared to ask questions or join them in sharing personal examples of successful ways to communicate with the world of education. When: Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 1 pm to 4 p.m. Where: Salisbury House & Gardens, 4025 Tonawanda Drive, Des Moines, IA IMA Member Registration: $35 Non-Member Registration: $45 Site Contact Information: Salisbury House & Gardens, 4025 Tonawanda Drive, Des Moines, IA. 515-274-1777 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registrations due by Friday, October 7th You are registering for Getting the Word Out, Tuesday October 18th 1-4 p.m. Name Organization Address City/State/Zip Phone E-mail IMA Member? Circle One: Yes No Mail Registration and Payment to: Iowa Museum Association, 1116 Washington Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Or pay with credit card on-line at www.iowamuseums.org (click on the orange button to Donate and use the memo line to note what you are paying for). Questions: Please e-mail imasweet@cfu.net or call 319-239-2236