Thematic Unit Description Paper

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Thematic Unit Description
Username; Course-Section #
I. Unit Context
1. What is the unit theme?
2. What is the intended grade level and what subject areas (plural) will be addressed?
3. What major topics or concepts will be included in the content?
4. What is the anticipated duration of the unit?
5. How does this unit relate to the whole learning experience of students? (Relate this
learning to some specific previous or future learning in the school curricula)
6. What is the setting or situation? Describe the classroom or learning environment and what
computers are available to students, including their location.
II. Audience
1. General characteristics: Describe the learners in your classroom, including: (a) the size of
the group; their (b) age in years (c) interests; (d) experiences; (e) and aptitudes.
2. Cultural Diversity: Describe the cultural diversity of students in the class (may include
race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, language, or other characteristics as
discussed in class).
3. Special Needs: Identify the special needs of some individual students.
4. Entry competencies: What specific knowledge or skills do you know or assume students
will possess prior to the beginning of the unit? Describe both their content knowledge and
specific computer competencies.
III. State Goals and Objectives
Include at least one overall goal statement and at least 3 ABCD style instructional objectives. Label
your ABCD objectives like the example on the assignment page. For each objective you compose, cite
the related discipline and grade level from the Iowa Core Curriculum or Des Moines curriculum
(e.g., “Iowa Core, Mathematics, Grade 9”).
Goal 1:
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
Thematic Unit Description | Secondary Educational Technology & Design
Spring 2010