Building A Structure : Cell Model Project - Durango School District 9-R

Three- Dimensional Cell Model Project
Student Name:
____________________________________ Total points:
/ 100
Construction Materials
Creative and unique
materials were
selected and creatively
modified in ways that
made them even
Creative and unique
materials were
selected and there was
an attempt at creative
modification to make
them even better.
Appropriate materials
were selected and
organelles’ structure
and function were
Inappropriate materials
were selected and
contributed to a
product that did not
represent structure
and function of
Organelles size
and shape
Each organelle is a
characteristic size and
shape that represents
the organelle's
structure and function.
1-2 organelles are
inappropriately or may
have disproportionate
shapes. Or 1-2
organelles may be
missing from model.
3-6 organelles are
inappropriately or may
have disproportionate
shapes. Or 3-6
organelles may be
missing from model.
Construction appears
careless or haphazard.
Many details need
refinement for a strong
or attractive product.
More than 7 organells
missing from model.
1-2 spelling errors
exist in organelle
names and functions.
3-6 errors in spelling
exist in organelle
names and functions.
7 or more spelling
errors exist on cell
model project.
No spelling errors
structure and
function spelling
Flag construction All organelle flags are 1-2 flags missing either 3-6 flags missing either 7 or more flags
correctly labeled with
correct function. Flags
are typed or neatly
hand printed.
name of organelle or
function. 1-2 flags may
be misplaced. Flags
are neatly handwritten
or typed.
name of organelle or
function. 4-7 flags may
be misplaced. Flags
are not neatly
handwritten nor typed.
Organelle Check List
Plant Cell Organelles
1.cell wall
2. large, central vacuole
3. chloroplast
5. nucleolus
6. DNA
7. nuclear envelope
8. ribosome
9. smooth E. R.
10. rough E.R.
11. vesicles
12. golgi bodies
13. cell membrane
14. mitochondria
15. cytoplasm
Animal Cell Organelles
1. nucleus
2. nucleolus
3. DNA
4. lysosome
5. ribosome
6. smooth E. R.
7. rough E.R.
8. vesicles
9. small vacuoles
10. cell membrane
11. mitochondria
12. Golgi bodies
13. cytoplasm
14. nuclear envelope
missing either name of
organelle or function. 8
or more flags may be
Handwriting on flags is