Dermatology Curriculum - London School of Paediatrics

Dermatology Curriculum
This version of the curriculum has been modified by the London Specialty School of
Paediatrics for use by local trainers. It identifies which competencies will be
provided on regional training days, on simulation courses and compulsory training
courses as part of the training package. All competencies in black font have been
identified as competencies trainees are expected to obtain in their local trusts, by
clinical experience or by local teaching programmes.
Black – local learning
Red – regional training
Blue – simulation
Green – external courses
Level of Training
Level 1
have the knowledge and
skills to be able to
recognise, investigate and
manage common skin
be able to describe
accurately any rash
know about chronic skin
know about the cutaneous
and mucosal manifestation
of systemic disease
be aware of the common
causes of hair loss and
recognise the serious
nature of some skin
disorders or their
associated conditions and
know when to ask for help
recognise when to consult
Ophthalmology and ENT
be able to advise parents
about these conditions
understand the principles
of therapy for skin
be aware of the different
potencies of topical
steroids and of their sideeffects
know the indications for
and the procedure involved
in skin biopsy **
understand the impact of
severe dermatological
problems on children
Level 2
understand the different
potencies of topical
steroids and of their sideeffects
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
know the common causes
of hair loss and
Level 1
know the common
treatments for eczema and
be able to manage mild
eczema and seborrheic
the reasons for treatment
know the features and
management of infected
eczema and eczema
Skin Failure
Cutaneous Drug
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
recognise the features and
manage infected eczema
and eczema herpeticum
Level 1
know the features and
management of
staphylococcal scalded skin
be able to assess and start
initial treatment promptly
Level 2
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
Level 1
know the causal bacteria,
features, complications and
management of cellulitis
including perioribital
Level 2
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
Level 1
be aware of the different
patterns of drug reaction
and of the common
be aware of the different
patterns of drug reaction,
including the common
precipitants and serious
drug reactions such as
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
rash and fever
be able to advise parents
about these conditions
Level 2
be aware of the rarer
causes of skin failure
Skin Infections
recognise when to consult
dermatology and
ophthalmology specialities
recognise when to consult
, Ophthalmology and ENT
recognise and be able to
treat scabies, pediculoses,
and common viral and
fungal skin infections
be able to assess mucosal
involvement in cutaneous
drug reactions
recognise when to consult
Dermatology, and
Ophthalmology specialists
Level 2
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
recognise serious drug
reactions e.g. StevensJohnson syndrome
Level 1
know the causes of
erythema nodosum
recognise the features
which suggest significant
Level 2
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
recognise the features
which indicate a particular
Level 1
know the causes of fever
and an erythematous rash
with or without
be able to recognise
Kawasaki syndrome and to
institute appropriate
be aware of rare but
serious causes of
erythematous rash and
fever, for example, toxic
shock syndrome
Level 2
continuing development of
level 1 competencies
be aware of complications
of Kawasaki syndrome and
know when to refer, for
example, to a cardiologist
recognise and initiate
management of rare but
serious causes e.g. toxic
shock syndrome