Yr 2 Parents Meeting Powerpoint presentation

Welcome to year 2 – parents meeting
Curriculum information
How to help your child with their learning log
Encouraging a love for reading
Visit our new updated library
Forest schools
Any questions?
Literacy –
Areas covered –
Traditional tales, stories with a familiar setting, poems,
stories by the same author.
Non fiction instructional writing, creating dictionaries, using
indexes and glossaries, writing reports.
The children will read a range of information and story books
Maths –
Solve ‘real life’ mathematical problems. Place value, counting
on or back in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, recognise simple fractions ½
and ¼ , understand the symbols +, -, x and /. Work out
doubles and halves quickly.. Recognise all coins and begin to
use these practically.
Recognise shapes and their properties. Begin to know their 2,
5, and 10x tables.
NB - Children will always be challenged, according to their
The creative curriculum
Topic work – Each half term the children’s work will be based on the following topics
Autumn 1 – Space
Autumn 2 – Christmas
Spring 1 – Fire fame and fortune
Spring 2 – Mexico
Summer 1 – Growing
Summer 2 – Dinosaurs
In these topics, the following subjects will be covered in the creative curriculum –
Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, PSHE, Games, Gym, Dance (Monday and Thursday), RE,
ICT and Music
In year 2 the children will be assessed by the teachers towards SAT’s, this is very informal and takes place in a normal
classroom situation..
Reading at home
Children will have the opportunity to change their reading book each day. Please make sure
you sign contact books if you have heard your child read at home.
Children will be encouraged to read at their own level & pace.
Please don’t feel that your child has to read ‘war and peace’ each night!
Occasionally school will send alternative reading matter home such as comics, magazines or
recipe cards etc, please encourage a wide range of reading at home to stimulate your child’s
imagination. Remember – your child doesn’t always have to read to you, sharing library
books that you read
Welcome to year 2 – parents meeting
Curriculum information
How to help your child with their learning log
Encouraging a love for reading
Visit our new updated library
Forest schools
Any questions?
Literacy – Areas covered –
Traditional tales, stories with a familiar setting, poems, stories by the same author.
Non fiction instructional writing, creating dictionaries, using indexes and glossaries,
writing reports.
The children will read a range of information and story books
Maths – Areas covered Solve ‘real life’ mathematical problems. Place value, counting on or back in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s
and 10’s, recognise simple fractions ½ and ¼ , understand the symbols +, -, x and /.
Work out doubles and halves quickly.. Recognise all coins and begin to use these
Recognise shapes and their properties. Begin to know their 2, 5, and 10x tables.
NB - Children will always be challenged, according to their ability.
The creative curriculum
Topic work – Each half term the children’s work will be based on the following topics –
Autumn 1 – Space
Autumn 2 – Christmas
Spring 1 – Fire fame and fortune
Spring 2 – Mexico
Summer 1 – Growing
Summer 2 – Dinosaurs
In these topics, the following subjects will be covered in the creative curriculum – Science, History, Geography,
Art, DT, PSHE, Games, Gym, Dance (Monday and Thursday), RE, ICT and Music
In year 2 the children will be assessed by the teachers towards SAT’s, this is very informal and takes place in a
normal classroom situation..
Reading at home
Children will have the opportunity to change their reading book each day. Please make sure you sign contact
books if you have heard your child read at home.
Children will be encouraged to read at their own level & pace.
Please don’t feel that your child has to read ‘war and peace’ each night!
Occasionally school will send alternative reading matter home such as comics, magazines or recipe cards
etc, please encourage a wide range of reading at home to stimulate your child’s imagination. Remember –
your child doesn’t always have to read to you, sharing library books that you read