Year 5/6 Curriculum Overview Autumn Term

Curriculum Overview Years 5 and 6
Study of an aspect of Bristish Histry
that extends pupils chronological
knowledge beyond 1066.
changes in an aspect of social
history, such as crime and
punishment from the Anglo-Saxons
to the present or leisure and
entertainment in the 20 Century
to create sketch books to record their observations
and use them to review and revisit ideas
to improve their mastery of art and design techniques,
including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range
of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
about great artists, architects and designers in history.
Year 5Forces
describe the movement of the Earth, and
other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar
describe the movement of the Moon relative
to the Earth
describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as
approximately spherical bodies
use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain
day and night and the apparent movement of
explain that unsupported objects fall towards the
Earth because of the force of gravity acting
between the Earth and the falling object
identify the effects of air resistance, water
resistance and friction, that act between moving
recognise that some mechanisms, including
levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to
have a greater effect.
Year 6- Light
3 Pupils should be taught:
Everyday effects of light
a that light travels from a source
b that light cannot pass through some materials,
and how this leads to the
formation of shadows
c that light is reflected from surfaces [for
example, mirrors, polished metals]
Stunning start- staged burglary and a visit from a
local police officer.
Visit from a Graffiti Artist
Year 5-6
Earth and Space
Crime and Punishment Year 5/6
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Year 6- ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar
Year 5 and 5/6- ‘Gangsta Granny’ by David Walliams
Street Child – Berlie Doherty
design, write and debug programs that accomplish
specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical
systems; solve problems by decomposing them into
smaller parts
select, use and combine a variety of software (including
internet services) on a range of digital devices to design
and create a range of programs, systems and content
that accomplish given goals, including collecting,
analysing, evaluating and presenting data and
use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly;
recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a
range of ways to report concerns about content and
To explore the idea of a personal creed. A small set of
fundamental beliefs which guide one’s life.
To discuss and be tolerant of other faiths beliefs.
King- Smith - Positive thinking
Strong- World Space Day
Horowitz- Halloween
1a) to recognise their worth as individuals, by identifying positive
things about themselves and their achievements, seeing their
mistakes, making amends and setting personal goals;
1b) to face new challenges positively by collecting information,
looking for help, making responsible choices and taking action;
2a) why and how rules and laws are made and enforced, why
different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part
in making and changing rules;
2b) that there are different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties
at home, at school and in the community, and that these can
sometimes conflict with each other;
3a) that their actions affect themselves and others, to care about
other people’s feelings and to try to see things from their points of
3b) to be aware of different types of relationships, including
marriage and those between friends and families, and to develop the
skills to be effective in relationships;
4a) to realise the nature and consequences of racism, teasing, bullying
and aggressive behaviours, and how to respond to them and ask for help.
A visit to the Galleries of Justice in
Nottingham to investigate and experience
how crime was dealt with in the various
time periods.
Curriculum Overview Years 5 and 6