Year 2 overview Autumn 2015 - Archbishop Wake First School

Archbishop Wake CE VA Primary School Curriculum Learning to be covered Autumn 2015
Year Group: 2
Main Theme for Learning: The Past is on Fire!
I can apply phonic knowledge and skills to decode words.
I can read accurately by blending sounds in new words.
I can explain and discuss my understanding of texts.
I can write stories with imaginary settings.
I can write poems that use pattern, rhyme and
I can use some of the features of different writing types.
I can use adjectives and adverbs to add detail.
I can vary the way sentences begin.
I can use the correct tenses.
I can organise writing to suit its purpose.
I can re-read writing to check it makes sense.
I can review and improve.
I can begin to use capital letters for names, places, the
days of the week and I.
I can use punctuation and begin to use new punctuation
(full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question
marks, commas for lists.
I can count, read and write numbers to 100.
I can count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s.
I can say one more and one less.
I can compare numbers using more/less than.
I can recognise tens and ones in a 2 digit number.
I can solve a one step problem with
I can add and subtract using objects, pictures and
I can recall multiplication and division facts for 2s,
5s and 10s.
I can check using known facts.
I can recognise fractions of shapes and objects.
I can recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes.
I can measure and begin to record lengths and
I can tell the time (half and quarter past)
I can recognise different coins.
I can read and make simple tally charts, block
diagrams, tables and answer question about
I can identify and classify.
I can observe to suggest answers to
I can name and identify everyday materials
such as wood, plastic, glass, mental, water
and rock.
I can describe the properties of everyday
I can compare and group together materials.
I can find out how the shapes of solid objects
can be changed by bending, twisting and
I can compare the suitability of everyday
materials for particular uses.
I can identify household appliances that use
I can make a simple electrical circuit.
I can use a range of applications and
devices in order to share ideas
(Microsoft word)
I can control when drawings appear
and set the pen colour, size and shape
I can control movement by saying the
number of steps to travel, in which
direction and when to turn (coding)
I can make user inputs to control
events (coding)
I can describe some of the
teachings of a religion.
I can describe some of the main
festivals of a religion.
I can recognise, name and describe
some artefacts, places and
I can say how I have to make my
own choices in life.
I can relate emotions to some of
the religious stories.
I can describe historical events. (Great fire of
I can describe people from the past.
I can recognise why the people from the past
acted the way they did.
I can ask questions such as ‘what was it like for
I can use artefacts, pictures, stories and ICT to
find out about the past.
I can use dates.
I can show an understanding of a nation’s
I can show an understanding of ideas such as
monarchy, parliament, democracy, war and
peace (Guy Fawkes)
I can respond to starting points.
I can explore ideas and look for
I can explore different methods and
I can use thick and thin brushes.
I can mix colours
I can add white and black to colours to
make tints and tones.
I can make collage of materials.
I can sort and arrange materials.
I can cut materials safely using tools.
I can measure and mark out to the
nearest centimetre.
I can create using levers, wheels and
winding mechanisms.
I can design product that have a clear
I can explore designs and explain my
likes and dislikes.
I can take part in singing,
following the melody.
I can follow instructions of when
to play an instrument.
I can make and control long and
short sounds using my voice and
I can recognise changes in
timbre, dynamics and pitch.
I can clap rhythms.
I can copy and remember
I can move with control and
awareness of space.
I can link actions to make a
I can hold a position while
I can jump in a variety of ways
and land with increasing
control and balance.
I can control a ball using my
I can begin to practise some
football skills.
I understand I am part of a
I can help create a class charter.
I can understand ways to help
manage my feelings.
I know what I have to do to make
the classroom safe.
I can work well in a group.
I can see things from the point of
view of others.
I can resolve conflicts with involving
an adult more often.