Langdale Free School - Curriculum Overview for Class 2 and 3 English Writing Compose and write sentences. Re-read sentences to make sure they make sense. Sequence ideas and events in order. Use phrases to open texts such as ‘Once upon a time…’ Begin to use simple text features such as ‘bossy’ verbs in instructions. Discuss their writing with their friends and their teachers. Read their writing aloud. Art & Design Reading Match graphemes for all phonemes. Read accurately by blending sounds. Read words with common suffixes such as –s –es- ing Read phonics books aloud. Join in with predictable phrases. Speaking and Listening Listen and respond appropriately. Ask relevant questions. Maintain attention, join in. Grammar Separate words with finger spaces. Identify and use . ? ! Use ‘and’ to connect ideas. Use capital letters and full stops more consistently. Spell words with phonemes already taught and spell some tricky words. Number/Calculation Count to/across 100. Count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Read/write numbers to 20. Use the language of equal to, more than, less than. Identify ‘one more’ ‘one less’. Know number bonds to 20. Use +, - and = Identify odd and even nos. Solve one step problems. Science Biology Identify basic plants. Identify basic plant parts. Identify and compare common animals. Identify and name basic body parts. Chemistry Distinguish between objects and materials Identify and name common materials. Describe simple properties of some materials. Compare and classify materials. Physics Observe weather associated with changes in season. Solve practical problems Be able to plan what they are going to make. Describe their plans in pictures and words. Use simple tools and materials to make products. Begin to comment on the usefulness of products in every day use. Be able to comment on their own plans and build and improve structure and mechanisms. length, height, capacity, time. Fractions Understand that a fraction can describe part of a whole. Recognise and use ¼ and ½. Modern History Be able to use a variety of materials and processes. Be able to suggest ways of improving their work. Be able to comment on works of art by different artists, craftsmen and designers. Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Technology Mathematics Geometry & Measures Recognise & name common2D and 3D shapes. Describe position and movement, half and quarter terms. Begin to measure length, capacity, weight. Use time and ordering vocabulary. Tell the time to hour/half hour. Use language of days, weeks, months and years. Understand use of algorithms. Write and test simple programs. Use logical reasoning to make predictions. Organise, store, retrieve and manipulate data. Communicate online safely and respectfully. Recognise uses of IT outside of school. Geography Languages Name and locate the 4 countries and capitals of the UK using atlases & globes. Use basic and geographical language to refer to local & familiar features. Begin to understand some similarities and differences between different localities. Begin to make maps and plans of real and imaginary places using pictures and symbols (including using 4 compass directions) Know that people can harm or improve the environment. Music Spanish & French Begin to show understanding of words and phrases. Appreciate songs, poems and rhymes. Broaden vocabulary. Listen and engage. Know about a range of events that have happened in the past. Be able to order events and objects into a sequence. Sing songs Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Listen and understand live and recorded music. Make and combine sounds musically. . Physical Key individuals Know stories about a range of people who have lived in a variety of cultures in the past. Computing Education Be able to perform simple activities with control and coordination, eg running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance and agility. Know the rules and conventions of a number of activities and games. Be able to apply movements in sequence. Understand the principles of safe activity. RE, PSHCE and British Values To recognise likes/dislikes, fair/unfair, right/wrong. Recognise, name & deal with feelings (SEAL materials). To understand the term ‘community’. To identify the differences & similarities between people. Our R.E. curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.