Nirma University

Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 1
Physics of Nanomaterials
1. What is wave function? Explain the normalization of wave function.
2. What do you mean by Eigen function? Give important criteria that must be
satisfied by the Eigen function.
3. Derive time independent form and time dependent form of Schrödinger wave
4. Obtain an expression for energy levels of the particle which is confined in a box
of length L. Give the important conclusions drown from it.
5. Give the Physical Interpretation of Schrödinger Equation.
6. What do you mean by nanomaterials? Discuss it’s importance for forthcoming
7. Discuss about the various synthesis methods of nanomaterials.
8. Discuss about the characterization methods of nanomaterials.
9. What are the various properties and applications of nanomaterials?
10. What are the nanostructures? How carrier confinement occurs in nanostructures?
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 2
1. Define (a) stimulated emission, (b) population inversion, (c) metastable state and
(d) pumping.
2. Explain the quantum mechanical view of interaction of radiation with matter.
3. What are Einstein’s coefficients?
4. Explain the three level and four level pumping schemes in detail.
5. Obtain the conditions for light amplification and discuss them.
6. Explain the working of an optical resonator in detail.
7. Explain construction and working of He-Ne laser.
8. Give the different characteristics and applications of laser beam.
9. What is holography? Explain its advantages and applications in detail.
10. Explain construction and working of Ruby laser.
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 3
Introduction to Fiber Optics
1. What is the most common optical fiber and what does it contain?
2. Explain why the cladding is necessary in fiber cable?
3. What principle is involved in light transmission in fiber communication system?
4. What do you mean by acceptance angle? Give its expression in terms of refractive
index of core and cladding.
5. What is numerical aperture? Give its expression.
6. Describe the construction of fiber optic cable.
7. Discuss the advantage of fiber optic cable over metallic cable.
8. Derive expressions for acceptance angle and numerical aperture.
9. Give difference between step index fiber and graded index fiber.
10. Explain fiber optic communication link with a neat block diagram.
11. The numerical aperture of an optical fiber is 0.23, when surrounded by air.
Determine the refractive index of core if the refractive index of clad is 1.59. Also
find the acceptance angle when the fiber is in water. Refractive index of water is
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 4
Nuclear and Plasma Physics
1. What is a nuclear fission? Explain briefly the working of a nuclear reactor
bringing out clearly the role of a moderator in its working.
2. Explain the mechanism of chain reaction in a nuclear reactor.
3. Discuss the important difference between the nuclear fission and fusion reaction.
4. Calculate the fission rate of U235 for producing a power of one watt and (ii) the
energy released in the complete fashioning of 1 kg of U235. Assume 200 Mev are
released per fission of the uranium nucleus.
5. Bombay requires 3000MWh of electric energy per day. It is to be supplied by a
reactor which converts nuclear energy into electric energy with an efficiency of
20 percent. If reactor uses nuclear fuel of U235 , calculate the mass of U235 needed
for one day's operation.
6. Compute λD and ND for the following plasmas :
(i) A glow discharge with n = 1016 m-3, KTe = 2 eV.
(ii) An arc discharge with n = 1020 m-3, KTe = 1 eV.
(iii) Thermonuclear plasma with n = 1022 m-3, KTe = 104 eV.
7. Describe the motion of charged particles in the earth's magnetic field far from the
atmosphere (Van Allen radiation belt), using the guiding centre approximation.
8. An electron with velocity v enters a region of a uniform magnetic field which is
perpendicular to v. Show that its orbit will be a circle. Calculate the radius of the
circle and the angular velocity.
9. Calculate the Lamoure radius(neglecting V||)for a
(i) 5 KeV electron in the earth's magnetic field if 0.37 gauss and
(ii) solar wind proton having a velocity of 300 km/sec in a magnetic field of 4 x
10-5 gauss.
10. Discuss the important application of plasma.
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 5
Physics of Vacuum Techniques and Cryogenics
1. Explain in detail the applications of cryogenics.
2. Why it is necessary to create a vacuum in plasma unit?
3. Mention the characteristics of a good vacuum pump.
4. Give the construction of diffusion-condensation pump. Explain its working
principle. What are the drawbacks of this pump?
5. Explain the theory underlying the Pirani Gauge.
6. Mention some of the important points to be followed for a successful
measurement of low pressure using Pirani Resistance Gauge.
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Physics Department
Term Assignment- 6
Acoustics and Ultrasonic waves
1. What is sound? Give its classification. Discuss the phenomenon of sound
propagation through a medium.
2. Give the classification of audible sound. Explain it in detail
3. Define intensity of sound. Give its unit. Define intensity level. Define threshold of
4. Derive Sabine’s formula using reverberation theory.
5. What is reverberation time? Using Sabine’s formula, explain how the sound
absorption co efficient of a material is determined?
6. What are ultrasonic and infrasonic waves? Mention a few properties of ultrasonic
waves. Give the applications of ultrasonic waves.
7. What is magnetostriction effect and piezoelectric effect? What is inverse
piezoelectric effect? Give the examples of magnetostriction and piezoelectric
8. Discuss about the Factors affecting acoustics of buildings.
9. What is the resultant sound level when a 70 dB sound is added to a 80 dB sound?
10. A cinema hall has a volume of 5000 m3. it is required to have reverberation time
of 1.5 Second. What should be the total absorption in the hall?