Check list RH urgences


MSF-OCB Emergency Medicine – Intensive Care

Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Doctors

Check list

Name of applicant: .......................................................

Date of application: .......... / .......... / ..........

Did you pass a post-graduate training program in Emergency Medicine ?

Did you pass a post-

If Yes, what was the duration of that training ? .......... ..........

If Yes, when did you qualify ? .......... /.......... / ..........

Please specify the name and address of the University where this program was delivered:




As a full-time Emergency Medicine doctor, how many years of experience do you have ? ............ years

As a full-time Intensive Care doctor, how many years of experience do you have ?

............ years

If you have not passed any training in Emergency Medicine, how many years of experience working in an Emergency Department do you have?................. years

If you have not passed any training in Intensive Care Medicine, how many years of experience working in an Intensive Care Unit do you have?................ years

Are you ALS certified ?

(Please provide your valid certificate)

(Please provide your valid certificate)

Are you PALS or APLS certified ?

(Please provide your valid certificate)

Are you an instructor in any of these specific trai

(Please specify).............................................................

Are you qualified in disaster medicine or multiple casualty management ?

(Please specify).............................................................

Any other qualification you would like to mention ?

(Please specify).............................................................................................................


Technical skills :

Not trained

Bag-valve-mask ventilation

Non-invasive ventilation


Ventilator settings

Procedural sedation


Chest drain insertion

FAST ultrasound scan

PICC access

Intra-osseous access

Central venous access

ECG interpretation

Thrombolysis for ACS

Conservative fracture management

Burn management

Wound care


Pre-hospital care

End of life care

Normal deliveries

Caesarean section


Signature of applicant:

Many thanks for completing this form.

Emergency Medicine – Intensive Care

Only under supervision

Autonomous practice

