What is a property?

Reviewing MATTER
Matter: anything that
has mass and volume
 Mass – the amount of
matter in something
 Volume – the amount
of space something
Matter can be classified
Element- substance
with only one type of
Compoundsubstance with two
or more elements
chemically bonded
When a compound forms, its
properties are different from the
original elements
What is a property?
Property: a
characteristic of a
substance that can be
 It can be a physical or
chemical property.
Physical Property
- A property that can be observed
and measured without changing the
material’s composition.
EXTENSIVE Physical Property
Extensive - Properties that depend on the amount of
matter present.
• Mass - A measurement of the amount of matter
in a object (grams).
• Weight - A measurement of the gravitational
force of attraction of the Earth acting on an
• Volume - A measurement of the amount of
space a substance occupies.
• Length- distance between two points
Extensive Physical Properties
Look at your pencil or pen, if you break it in
half, the extensive properties will be different.
The pieces will have a different mass, weight,
volume, and length.
Extensive properties depend on size
INTENSIVE Physical Property
Intensive - Properties that do not depend on the
amount of the matter present.
 Color
 Odor
 Luster (Shiny, glassy, dull)
 Malleability (can it be flattened)
 Ductility (can it be pulled into a wire)
 Electrical Conductivity (can it conduct electricity)
 Hardness (on a Mohs scale)
 Melting/Freezing/Boiling Points
 Density
 State of Matter (solid, liquid, gas)
Intensive Physical Properties
Look at your pencil or pen, if you break it in
half, the intensive properties will be the same.
 It’s still yellow, the graphite still has a
hardness of 2, the density of each piece
hasn’t changed, and it’s still a solid.
 Intensive properties DON’T depend on size
Chemical Properties
Chemical property: a property that can only be
observed by changing the composition
(chemical formula) of the material.
Does it have the potential to change into a new
• Will it burn?
•Will it rust?
•Will it react with vinegar
(acids) or other chemicals?
Properties of Matter
Why do I care? Understanding the different
properties of matter will help you to better
classify and describe the world around you.
Physical and Chemical Properties
can be used to identify matter
Gold or fool’s gold?
Diamond or quartz?
Oak or Maple?
Metamorphic or
Zinc or Aluminum?
Properties song
Challenge: Use physical
properties to identify your cookie
Problem: Can you observe and record the
physical properties of a cookie and later
identify it from a pile of other cookies?
Safety: Do not open the bag and do not eat the