10-3 Study Guide Unit 3.1-3.4 As you study for the test, be sure to

10-3 Study Guide
Unit 3.1-3.4
As you study for the test, be sure to read over and review your notes and handouts from class, any
slides or powerpoints, and your textbook. Look at the practice problems within the text. Review the
two labs we have done (DENSITY and CHEMICAL CHANGES)
1. What are the three common states of matter? Draw a particle-level image of each.
2. For each state of matter, consider
- how close are the particles to one another?
- how do the particles move around?
- does the material have a definite shape?
- does the material have a definite volume?
- how much kinetic energy do the particles have (compared to the other 2 states of matter)?
3. Identify each of the following changes in state. Try to give an example of each.
solid → liquid
solid → gas
liquid → gas
liquid → solid
gas → liquid
gas → solid
4. What exists between the atoms of a gas (or of a liquid or a solid)?
5. Why are gases used to fill airbags in cars, rather than liquids or solids?
6. What would a particle-level image look like for a mixture of a solid and a liquid?
7. What is the difference between a physical property and a chemical property?
8. List three examples of physical properties and three examples of chemical properties.
9. What is meant by intensive property? What is meant by extensive property?
10. Give three examples of intensive properties and three examples of extensive properties.
11. NOTE: Both physical properties and chemical properties can be either intensive or extensive. But
they cannot be physical and chemical, or intensive and extensive.
12. Read over the lab and notes. How did we find density of the different materials? (Hint: what did we
actually measure? How did we calculate density from those measurements?)
13. Is density an extensive or intensive property? How do you know? (I don't mean, “Because the book
said so!”)
14. Is density a physical or chemical property? Why is it considered that?
15. What are the common units for density? What is the common unit for mass? What is the common
nit for volume?
16. Why will one material float on top of another material?
17. What is the density of water?
18. Practice working through density problems like those on pp. 90-91, and on the worksheet we did in
class. You must be able to solve problems asking for density, volume, or mass (given the other two
19. Review the lab. What evidence of chemical changes did you observe? What actions started
chemical reactions in the lab?
20. What does “forming a precipitate” mean? What would you expect to see in a reaction where a
precipitate was formed?
21.What is a double replacement reaction? What is a single replacement reaction? What is a
decomposition reaction? What is a synthesis reaction?
22. What is a physical change? What is a chemical change?
23. Why are melting and dissolving NOT considered to be chemical changes?