Rising Stars Overview WHY? Promote a new generation of independent Egyptian cinema artists reducing the distance between them and the audience. Actually, through the action, we look forward to putting the attention on the Egyptian cinema artistic productions and to keeping it on them on the long period. Providing a showcase to local independent cinema, the project will create a link among the filmmakers and the audiences. Screening quality cinema production, we expect to stimulate the people cinematographic “taste” as a way of personal and social enhancement. Screening independent films will allow viewers/audiences to gain a better understanding of the present status of independent cinema in Egypt and eventually to appreciate it. The project is an attempt to articulate a model for an independent structured art cinema scene in Egypt. Moreover, it projects the future of a cinema genre that has started to gain power in recent years. Enhance Egyptian art filmmaking and to promote it throughout Egypt. The scope of the action is to promote creative artistic trends, which are parallel to but independent from the existing cinema institutions. The new trend is to use forms and patterns of art and production techniques that are different from those adopted by the cinema institutions. The purpose of this trend is to open new channels for artistic expression; encourage youths to join this field; and stress the role of cinema as a tool for culture and increasing awareness. The action will involve independent groups of filmmakers because every year in Egypt independent film productions increase at a high rate and so does the quality and the diversity of films. Since independent cinema has appeared in Egypt in the form of an unorganized movement towards renewing an artistic cinematic framework in the last ten years or so, many landmark films have been produced with this new cinematic paradigm and a number of Egyptian films have won local and international awards. Every year, new forms are introduced into independent filmmaking in an attempt to build and reshape the film scene in Egypt. All the films offer the opportunity to explore patterns of short filmmaking, and to explore how to deal with the time element of a short movie when introducing ideas, working with a mediator, improving the product, and other relevant issues. Initiative Context: After identifying the main problems touching the sector of Egyptian independent cinema, the project has been structured focusing on the promotion of Egyptian independent films in Egypt and indirectly outside Egypt. Egyptian filmmakers are the main target of this action. In fact, they will have the chance to get in touch with foreign perspectives, European and Mediterranean specialists, and this experience will enrich their knowledge and capacities. As written before, still movie photography in Egypt is denied the importance it deserves. That is why we decided to make of it one of the elements of our preparation phase. Professional Egyptian photographers will benefit from specific training on still movie photography. Furthermore, still movie photographs produced on the backstage of the short movies will be exhibited with the aim of contributing to raise the awareness of local cinema professionals on its importance. A particular attention will be also put on the quality of the scripts, as they are integral and critical part of the production phase. The connection between movie scripts and literature will represent one of the project added values. The third main problem in Egypt as far as the cinema concerned is the lack of cultural opportunities outside the main cities of Cairo and Alexandria. Local audiences do not have access to several cinematographic productions and for this reason they do not know the talented Egyptian artists and their creations, as well as other European productions. The third phase of the project specifically aims to promote independent movies/creations outside the mainstream of Cairo and Alexandria. An itinerant cinema will be organised in two cities outside Cairo: Minia and Port Said. Besides the promotion of contemporary Egyptian creations/artists, local audiences will be given a chance to finally discover Egyptian independent movies and to get close to artistic cinema in general. We chose these three locations to touch two different areas in Egypt: poor Upper Egypt and industrialized Northern Egypt. In spite of the fact that Port Said Governorate is one of the richest industrialized areas of Egypt, it still remains out of the main Egyptian cultural circuits. Stakeholders: -Direct Beneficiaries: 20 Egyptian talented and professional filmmakers; Egyptian professional photographers; European professionals/specialists working in the cinema field; Cinema professionals -Final Beneficiaries: Egyptian young filmmakers; Egyptian cinema students; International and Egyptian audiences in the target cities; International and Local Cultural Institutes and associations; Media – Newspapers, Radio, Television, Expatriated community -Partners: Semat for Production and Distribution -Associates: Instituto Cervantes – Centro de El Cairo, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération – Le Caire, Baad el Bahr Cultural Association. Overall Sustainability After the end of the project, the activities implemented can be replicated with moderate financial resources to continue and the main actors involved will guarantee regular follow-up. All the outputs, activities and initiatives of the proposal are considered by their nature to last longer than project time. Mutually beneficial relations will have been forged at international, national and local levels between professionals with the support of the project. Financial sustainability The follow up activities that will spring from the project essentially concern those connected to the platform of collaboration between the various factors involved, at the national and international levels; this will therefore lead to the promotion of opportunities for meeting even after the conclusion of the project and organizing similar initiatives after project end. Institutional level The organizations involved, both as beneficiaries and as active participants (sometimes simultaneously), represent the structures which support the extension and easy to replicate results. The filmmakers, in the wake of this project, will be able to replicate the results and use the outputs in other interventions as well as during the exchange with other stakeholders with whom, by that time, they will have established relationships, such as media, local and international cultural bodies. Policy level Sustainability at the political level will be the strong point and ultimate significance of the project, which will have an electrifying structural impact; as it generates growing consensus and bargaining power within civil society/audience, it will go on to influence the attitude through the independent cinema. The analysis of new cinema trends will stimulate the development of interest in the final beneficiaries as well as in the target groups; the education and propagation carried out at audience level will allow the stimulation of cinema producers to address their attention on the independent cinema. A decisive element is also the involvement of international individuals and bodies in the project, through the participation of exponents and experts in the training, public, workshops and media gathering. Environmental sustainability During the action implementation, the project staff will advocate for the respect of a safe and healthy environment. Internal meetings between actors and participants will pay attention to the environmental issue and to the Office Code of Conduct. The management will use informatics technologies for most of the correspondence and communications. For invitations and other written materials will be mainly used soft means avoiding any kind of wastefulness. The places chosen as rooms for training/workshop/gathering will be safe, clean and healthy. Any instable or degraded environment will be avoided. Refreshments served during the trainings and conferences will consist in local products in order to avoid the use of junk food. Costs for C02 offsetting of air travel will be considered through airplane companies programs when available. Total duration 12 months of the action Objectives the action of Overall Objective: To promote a new generation of independent Egyptian cinema artists reducing the distance between them and the audience. Specific Objective: Egyptian art filmmaking enhanced and promoted throughout Egypt. Partner(s) SEMAT Target group(s) Egyptian talented and professional filmmakers; Egyptian professional photographers; European professionals/specialists working in the cinema field; Cinema professionals. Final beneficiaries Egyptian young filmmakers; Egyptian cinema students; International and Egyptian audiences in the target cities; International and Local Cultural Institutes and associations; Media – Newspapers, Radio, Television, Expatriated community. Estimated results 1) Capacities of n.20 Egyptian talented filmmakers improved 2) Multimedia materials produced 3) N.9 public events organised and materials disseminated Main activities 1.1 Training of 20 Egyptian filmmakers 1.1.1 Selection of local and foreign artists/specialists 1.1.2 Training on script movie writing, movie direction and movie stills photography 2.1 N.4 short movies produced 2.2 Advertising Campaign 2.2.1 Publication of project information on internet 2.2.2 Realization of advertising materials 2.2.3 1 DVD (n.200 copies) and n.1 trailer of the short movies 3.1 Organisation of n. 2 Media Conferences and n.1 Award ceremony 3.2 Still movie Photos Exhibition 3.3 Itinerant Cinema 3.3.1 Selection of International and Egyptian films to screen 3.3.2 Establishment of n.3 juries for the evaluation of the realized works 3.3.3 Itinerant Cinema events 3.4 Organisation of n.3 public workshops