9th Grade Honors English - Loudoun County Public Schools

Mrs. Hoffman
Room: 600
E-mail: Keri.Hoffman@lcps.org
9th Grade Honors English
The English 9 Honors curriculum is a survey course that requires advanced level reading, writing, and literary analysis. Aligned with the
Virginia Standards of Learning, the instruction for this course will be divided into five language strands: oral language, reading analysis,
research, vocabulary and writing. Through guided practice, activities, and assessments, students will improve their listening, reading,
speaking and writing skills.
The following are novels/stories that may be covered this year:
Selected Short Stories
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare
12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose
The Odyssey by Homer
Poetry Unit
Also included in this class are:
Free Writes
Socratic Seminars
Literary Analyses
Mythology Unit
Independent Reading Projects
And others…
Research Paper
Class Presentations
HABITS OF MIND – As an Honors English Student, I
1. Read widely and often
4. Reflect thoughtfully
2. Foster my spirit of inquiry, seek
5. Refine my thinking
6. Develop my capacity for analysis
3. Make connections
7. Write widely and often
You must bring the following to class EACH DAY:
 pencils/pens/highlighters
 3-ring notebook
 lined paper
Coming prepared to class is essential for success.
8. Revise deeply
9. Demonstrate originality
10. Work diligently
student agenda
current text
flash drive (highly recommended)
1. Arrive to class on time and prepared. BWHS policy states you are allowed 2 tardies per quarter—the 3rd will result in Saturday school.
2. Respect yourself, respect others, LISTEN and contribute. Class discussion must be conducted in a mature manner. Do not speak
when another is talking, do not interrupt or distract, and do not participate in personal attacks.
3. Cell phone use is prohibited during class. Please no eating during class. Plastic water bottles are allowed.
4. There will be no other course work done during English class.
Students’ grades will be based on a points system with no more than 60% of the quarter grade being comprised of major assignments.
Examples of major assignments include tests, quizzes, essays, and/or class projects and presentations.
In addition to receiving a quarterly interim report, you can access updated grades through CLARITY. Your grades will be based on
Loudoun County’s grading scale:
A+ 98-100
A 93-97
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D- 60-62
The most important requirement for each literature unit is that students read every assignment—read it with care and on time. Students
will need to plan time in their schedule for more reading than most courses require. Poetry, though usually not long, is dense and
complicated and should always be read at least twice. Taking notes (annotating) should be completed with every reading assignment.
WRITING IS A PROCESS! You will be graded on this process. Drafts will be checked for completion and evidence of editing/revising.
All writing assignments are due at the beginning of the period. Papers must already be printed, stapled and organized in proper MLA
format before turning in.
Quizzes, tests, and/or study guides may be assigned to assess mastery of your course work. Quizzes may or may not be announced. The
best way to prepare for assessments is to ensure completion of homework, including all reading and writing assignments.
Homework will be graded for completion and effort, to the satisfaction of the teacher, and is due at the beginning of class. Work that is
incomplete will receive reduced credit, and no late homework will be given credit.
Major assignments (papers, projects, presentations, etc.) are to be turned in on the due date.
 Only major assignments will be accepted late, for reduced credit, at a 10% reduction per day the assignment is late.
 Assignments must be handed to me in person. DO NOT LEAVE WORK ON MY DESK OR IN MY MAILBOX.
 Papers may only be emailed to me if you are absent from school or if you are given permission.
 Technology issues – please keep in mind that computer/technology issues are not an excuse for late assignments. However, if a
technology issues arises, please bring in a signed note from a parent/guardian explaining the issue.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed.
 Get notes from a classmate and check your class folder for any handouts/assignments that you missed.
 Quizzes, tests, and in-class writing assignments are made up during your study hall block in the testing room OR before school.
 Continually check the class website for upcoming due dates, class notes, and handouts.
In Honors English, students are expected to write a great deal and reflect on these writings. The first assessment will have the students
gather at least three of these writings that indicate an individual student’s progress as a writer. The student will then write a two page
reflection on this progress. This reflection will count as 25% of the final exam grade.
In Honors English, students are also expected to make connections to their learning. The second assessment will be a culmination of an
individual inquiry project by each individual student. Students will be required to choose a “Big Question” for the year. Students will reflect
on this question through teacher generated activities and through personal inquiry. During fourth quarter, students will write an essay that
seeks to answer this question, and this essay with count as an additional 25% of the final exam grade.
Cheating/plagiarism includes copying another student’s work, allowing another student to copy from your work, and/or copying work
from a book, magazine, internet source, etc. without proper citation. Plagiarism and cheating are serious breaches of the student honor
code. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a “0” for that test/assignment/essay. A referral form will be submitted to the
office, and your parents/guardians will be notified.
I can lend a school copy of each work listed above; however, students may find it useful to have a personal copy in order to thoughtfully and
actively engage in the reading. Students will learn how to properly and effectively annotate texts this year, so writing in the actual book is very
beneficial. I have found that half.com is a great place to purchase new or used books. If students choose to use school copies of works, they
will need to utilize post-it notes for the annotations.
Please sign below to verify that you have received and understand the above polices and expectations. Please share this packet with your
parent/guardian and have them sign below as well. I am looking forward to a very successful and fun year with each of you! Remember,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela
Mrs. Hoffman
English 9 Honors Policies and Expectations
By signing below you acknowledge that you have received and understand the classroom policies and expectations
for English 9 Honors.
Student Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Block _____________
Parent/Guardian Phone (home/cell)
Parent/Guardian Phone (work)
Parent/Guardian Email
September 5th (A Day)
September 6th (B Day)