Salesbury Nursery Spring Term 2 Week 3 Dear Parents and Carers, We have had yet another busy week in nursery. Firstly a huge thank you for providing your children with costumes on Tuesday. They looked amazing! Thank you too for lending us old household objects; they helped to bring our discussions alive. On Monday and Tuesday we returned to our topic about houses and learnt a little about what houses were like in the past. We began by thinking about our own houses, especially the kitchen, and how many of the machines we have work using electricity. The children watched a video clip on YouTube called ‘Magic Grandad’: the granddad in the clip goes back in time about 100 years and tells his grandchildren what life was like before electricity. On Tuesday Jane came to nursery and told us how the washing was done 100 years ago. All the children got the chance to have a go at scrubbing clothes on the washboard, using a poser to pretend to get the bubbles out and hanging the washing up on the wooden maiden. We looked at many old objects including irons, hair curlers, candle holders, shoes, pans, milk jugs and chamber pots. Please complete a busy bee and tell us what your child told you about the morning. The children have also practised their cutting skills, making pirate faces, which should be displayed in our classroom very soon. Next week the whole school is going to take part in ‘Prevent Day’ on Tuesday: it is about encouraging children to respect others in their immediate environment and wider world and understand that Britain is a multi-cultural society. We will also be reading a story from the bible called ‘The Lost Sheep’ and thinking about the messages Jesus told his followers when he read this story. Of course our pirate theme will also be continuing; the children will learn how colours change when they are mixed together and will use their new colours to create under the sea pictures. Notices Wednesday 18th March-Foss meeting in school at 6.30pm. Everyone welcome. Friday 20th March-your child’s electronic learning journal will be emailed to you so that you can have a look at it before parents’ evening the following week. If you have not done so already, please book your parents’ evening slot via parent mail. Hope you all have a lovely Mother’s Day and are thoroughly spoilt! Regards Mrs O’Mahoney, Mrs Bowen and Mrs Lowe