IB 12 Gallery Visits

Westwood Collegiate
Grade 12 International Baccalaureate Visual Arts
2014-2015 Schedule
Art Gallery Visitations
You are required to visit 6 galleries throughout the school year. Please make sure to
visit 3 in each semester. It is acceptable that two be site visitations and one be a virtual
gallery tour, of a respectable gallery such as the National Gallery in Ottawa.
Your Gallery Visitation Write ups Are Due:
October 17th/14- 2 Visitation Write ups- One site visit and one online
November 28th/14- 1 Visitation Write up- One site visit
February 6th/15- 2 Visitation Write-ups- One site visit and one online
March 20th/14- 1 Visitation Write-up- One site visit
Some suggestions of galleries you can visit in Winnipeg:
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Plug In Gallery
The Cre8ery
Fleet Gallery
Mayberry Gallery
Please note that some of these galleries are commercial and some are display only- this
is acceptable. You can choose galleries that are not on this list of suggestions.
Art Gallery Visitation Write Ups
You will need to choose two piece of art to write about for each gallery; one you like and
one you dislike. You are required to sketch the piece and only if it is difficult to sketch
(such as an abstract piece) please provide a photograph. You need to clearly justify in
art terms why you like or dislike each piece. Spend time with each piece- do not rush
your decision making but take time to really look and experience the art before
completing the write up. Hand in your write ups in pairs of one like and one dislike- no
loose sheets accepted; all write ups and sketches must be in a sketchbook.
Follow the questions asked in TOK as a guide to what to write about when
looking at both the liked and disliked art.
1. Why are the arts important?
2. What are the roles of emotion and reason in the arts?
3. What are the standards by which we judge art? Can we justify these
standards, and, if so, how?
4. What moral responsibilities does the artist have? Are they different to those of
any other “knower”?
5. Does the artist have a responsibility to reflect on the values, beliefs and
attitudes of his or her time and place?
6. To what extent does an artist have a moral obligation to avoid or confront
controversial issues that might shock or be contrary to those of the common
7. To what extent does the work of the artist influence the culture in which it was
created? To what extent does the existing culture influence the artist working
within it?
8. Is it possible for artistic expression in visual arts to take the place of words?
9. Is it important for artworks to be original? Why?
10. Is art simply an imitation of an idea?
11. Is the artist’s intention relevant to the viewer?
12. What do we expect from art? Truth? Seduction? Provocation? Beauty?
13. What does it mean to say “I know an artwork”?
14. What is art?