Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Committee Held at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington on 2nd February 2012. Present: Cllr Chris Pack (Chair) Cllr T Emptage Cllr L Gray-Wright Cllr S Rhodes Cllr D Robey Cllr R Truman Apologies: Cllr D Betts Declaration of interest: None. 43. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2011 were agreed and signed as a true record. 44. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 th November 2011: i) Exeter Close Pavilion – Water Issues (Minute 30(ii) The alternative quotation had still not been received and Cllr Betts who had been looking into the matter was currently on holiday. It was hoped that a more positive update could be brought to the next meeting. ii) Diamond Jubilee (Minute 30 (iii)) Some applications for the Parish Council’s Diamond Jubilee Grant Fund had been received. All applications would be considered at the Full Council meeting on 29th March. iii) Flood Issues (Minute 37) A response to Mr Smith letter to the Environment Agency had been received, explaining that the Banbury Flood Alleviation Scheme was designed to decrease the flood risk for Kidlington. The scheme would protect Kidlington from a 1 in 100 year flood – a scheme for a 1 in a 200 year flood would have been too great economically. There was also an undertaking to assess whether the fallen trees in the river could be removed. 1 iv) New Allotments (Planning) (Minute 31) The Chair reported that subsequent to the previous meeting of the Council he had discussed the issue of applying for planning permission for allotments at the new cemetery with Cllr Betts. The Clerk stated that there had been reluctance to proceed with a planning application, but reminded the Committee that it would be several months from submitting the application before a decision was made by the planning authority. The Committee discussed the issue further and the Chair recommended that the Parish Council should apply for planning permission. This was agreed by the Committee. 45. Condition Survey Members had attended a walkabout of Exeter Hall prior to the meeting. It had been a useful exercise and the general feeling was that that hall appeared “tired”. Lots of small items added up to create a compound effect. The Community Projects Officer reported that progress was being made on actioning the relevant elements of the condition survey. The most significant was that the air handling unit had been examined by a contractor who had initially estimated a cost of £1, 100.00 to get the unit running properly again. There may be additional costs as the extractor unit required a new motor, but this it was anticipated that this would be some way below the £15k plus estimated in the condition survey – the Committee accepted this course of action. A specification for the redecoration of Exeter Hall had been received and would be sent out to contractors for quotations. Smaller items were being actioned and a periodic electrical inspection of the building had been arranged. Cllr Pack felt that the priority areas for refurbishment were the bar and the toilets. Cllr Emptage felt that these areas were important but he had concerns about the potential cost. A quote had been sought for the toilets 18 months ago and had come in just below £30, 000.00. There was currently a total of £40, 365.00 in earmarked reserves. The Committee agreed that the essential items of the condition survey should be carried out and the remaining funds would be assessed at the next meeting. 46. New Cemetery Security issues relating to the new shed at the cemetery had been resolved by the Open Spaces Manager and it was now far more secure. 2 The Clerk explained that a height barrier/lych gate would be needed to prevent travellers entering the site, and the Committee agreed that the traditional height barrier would not be an attractive option. It was hoped that something could be designed similar to the arches at the entrance to Exeter Close. Currently the project was slightly over budget but £18, 000.00 (80% of the bond) was due back from the County Council after the Stage 3 safety audit was satisfactorily completed. The remaining £2, 000.00 would be paid back 3 years after the end of the project. However, the Parish Council had to pay £7, 000 back to the contractor – the return of their bond. It was expected that Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council would make a contribution towards the construction costs over two years. There was a proposal that a sit on lawnmower would be the ideal way to cut the large amount of grass at the cemetery. Although one of the machines at Stratfield Brake would be suitable, it could not be driven on the road and there was no way of transporting it. A new mower would cost in the region of £1, 500.00. The Committee was minded to see how much money was left in the budget at the next meeting before making any large decisions. Cllr Pack was revising the leaflet on guidelines for what was permitted in the cemetery, in terms of memorials etc. He reminded the Committee that the new cemetery was to be a lawn burial ground and only headstones (no kerbing) would be permitted. 47. Fencing in Burial Ground Research had been carried out by the Open Spaces Manager and new quotes were being worked up for 1.8m and 2.2m fencing, which should help to prevent the deer from accessing the burial ground. It is thought that the 1.8m fencing should be sufficient. It had been thought that fixing angle irons onto the existing posts and attaching the new fencing on top would be an ideal solution and would cost an estimated £1, 000.00 extra or £3, 000.00 in total. However, a recent visit to the burial ground had resulted in the discovery that the concrete posts had metal running down the middle of them and therefore they could not be drilled to attach angle irons onto them. This meant that new concrete posts would be needed to attach higher fencing to which would be expensive. The Committee suggested that hedging could be used instead and the Open Spaces Manager would be asked to look into this option. 48. Web Site Upgrade Cllr Pack had spoken to the Parish Council’s web designer and had agreed for a “pop up” promotional section to be added on to promote the facilities for hire. The wording used would be “Google” friendly so it would be picked up more often on the search engine. 3 Cllr Pack was also working with the Community/ Projects Officer on a draft of a new promotional leaflet. 49. Facilities Promotion Update The Community/Projects Officer reported that a new laptop with speakers has been purchased in place of hiring the t.v and video, and two new whiteboards had also been purchased and were available for hire. All regular bookings have been sent copies of the updated price list and this has now been updated on the Parish website. The Community Projects Officer had done a performance report of the booked hours of the facilities and bookings seemed to be increasing. In 2011 the main hall was booked for a total of 2, 769 hours. In 2012, (bearing in mind that the report was done in January and the hall would accumulate more bookings over the year) the main hall was already booked for 1, 718 hours. The small hall and committee room showed similar trends which supported staff beliefs that bookings were gradually increasing. 50. Display Cabinets The display cabinets were donated to the Parish Council by Cherwell District Council some years ago and were historically for the display of arts and crafts made by the people of Kidlington. No charge has ever been levied. It has been noted that in recent months the cabinets have been increasingly used by people selling items – from glass and jewellery to photographs and paintings – some of these are not of a Kidlington provenance. The Committee discussed the issue and agreed that it did not support the selling of items or the promotion of businesses in the cabinets. It was thought that it would be better to ask local groups e.g. guides, historical society and schools if they would like to use the cabinets for displays. Kidlington Groups would be written to and made aware of this possibility. 51. Olympics RESOLVED “in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw” The Committee discussed the outcome of recent meeting with other agencies concerning the passage of the Olympic torch through Kidlington. The Committee would be updated as necessary. RESOLVED that the press and public be advised that they may return to the meeting. 52. Risk Assessment Action Plan The Committee had previously been circulated with two items from the Risk Assessment Action Plan with the following suggested actions:- 4 1) Consider adding clause to tenancy agreement stating that the Parish Council will not accept any responsibility for injury as a result of tools etc being left out. The Committee asked that the clause be added to future tenancy agreements. 2) Consider removing this item from the action plan. Consider if a policy is needed re: fly posting on roundabout by Sainsbury’s. There was a discussion about fly posting as the actual responsibility was split between Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council. It was agreed that there was minimal fly posting in Kidlington and any signs etc tied to lamp posts were removed by Parish Council staff. It was agreed that this should be monitored as the action plan suggested. It was not felt that a new policy should be created to deal with items on the roundabout. Agreed: to approve the Community Committee’s elements of the action plan. 53. Finance Report The Finance Report was noted. 54. Project List The updated project list was noted. 55. Open Spaces Report The report was noted. The Chair commented on how good the new Christmas lights had been and that there had been a good atmosphere at the switch on. The Clerk reported that those businesses who had contributed financially towards the Christmas lights had received a letter of thanks and had been mentioned by name in an article in the Kidlington News. 56. Any Other Business i) Fire Service Parking The Clerk explained that the Parish Council had been approached by the Fire Service to ask if it would be possible to use the Exeter Hall car park for parking for their meetings which were normally between 2 and 4 hours in length. It had been known for a long time that people visiting the fire station had used the car park, but this was the first time that the Parish Council had been formally asked for permission. 5 The fire service explained that they would always give prior warning and would make alternative arrangements if the car park would be full. The Committee was pleased with the formal approach from the fire service and recommended that permission was given, with a proviso to limit the number of cars. ii) Reservation of Burial Plot The Community Projects Officer, Nicky Cayley, had been approached by the mother of a lady who had been buried in St. Mary’s burial ground last year by her husband. The husband had chosen not to reserve the next grave in line and so the lady had been buried on the end of a row. Her mother had recently become aware that reserving the next in line grave would have been a possibility and was now upset that this had not been done, as she and her husband wanted to be buried close to their daughter. There was only one free grave remaining in that section of the burial ground and she had asked if she could reserve it as it was two spaces up from that of her daughter. Normally only next of kin would be allowed to reserve a grave. The Committee had sympathy with the situation and agreed that the lady in question should be permitted to reserve the grave. The meeting closed at 9pm. Chair. 6