MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF GRAFHAM PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2012 IN THE VILLAGE HALL Present: Mr P Allingham (Chair), Mr I Gardener, Mr A Watson, Mr K Sharp, Ms T Lord and Mr A Duckworth. Cllr Peter Downes was also in attendance. The meeting of the Parish Council was convened at 7.30pm. 11/106 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from David King and Mrs Patricia Jordan 11/107 Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 10 January were approved and signed. 11/108 Matters arising from previous minutes It was stressed by Cllr Peter Downes that Cambridgeshire CC are pushing for broadband improvements for the whole of Cambridgeshire by 2015. 11/109 Parish Plan Summary It was suggested that some additional information might be useful, concerning how the priorities were set and the need for resident involvement in the process. The Council accepted the Parish Plan as a working document for prioritising future plans. . 11/110 Community Transport At a public meeting held in Grafham Village Hall at the end of January, members from 4 local Parish Councils together with 3 Grafham residents met with the District Council to discuss existing services, what cuts were to be made and how the communities might best be served by community transport. It was clear that people would want a regular service, rather than an “on-demand” bus and that a service was likely to be most useful when going to St Neots and the train station; the suggested route being Grafham- Perry - Gt. Staughton - Hail Weston – St. Neots and return. There was also the suggestion that the prison visitor bus could be put to use at weekends, instead of just waiting several hours to return visitors to Huntingdon Station. There has been no feedback to date on the ideas put forward, but Peter Downes is hoping for a further meeting to discuss outcomes in more detail. 11/111 Village Hall Refurbishment It will not be clear until at least March this year what goods/furniture might be available to the Parish Council from charity donation. Further information will be provided as it becomes available. 11/112 Jubilee 2012 Celebrations A joint committee from the Parish council and SAS will meet to discuss ideas for celebrating the jubilee. Progress to be reported at next meeting. 11/113 Village shop The idea of setting up a community shop was discussed and it was agreed that the basic ideas be communicated to the residents via the Grafham Gossip. The first requirement would seem to be to set up a managing committee to take the idea forward. The Parish Council will be kept informed of any progress. 11/114 Banking and Audit 1. Outstanding accounts presented for payment were authorised. 2. The current financial position shows a balance of £10,0058.67 11/115 Other items for information only Cllr Watson advised that a lot of heavy traffic is using Church Hill during the work on Grahfam Water. Any damage to the road will be reported to Anglian Water. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm. The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 13th March 2012. ADDENDUM Cllr Peter Downes informed the meeting of the budget plans of Cambridgeshire County Council. There is a plan to borrow £100m over 25 years, while interest rates are so low. This money will be invested in roads, a new railway station at Chesterton, an Ely bypass and new schools. There will be reductions in services to special needs and disabled children among others. Voluntary sector grants will be cut by 28%. A small community chest will be set up for community projects. The decision has been taken not to take advantage of funds made available by the government to subsidise council tax (Pickles money) as this could potentially impact on increases required in the following year when this money would not be available.. A new homes bonus is being granted by the government to encourage the building of new homes. This could, potentially, bring in income of £6m. Cllr Downes thanked the PC for hosting the Community Transport meeting.