The way we list shelter and housing in the database has evolved

The way we list shelter and housing in the database has evolved quite a bit lately, so I’ve put together a recap.
Please take a look and see if there are any discrepancies with your understanding of how we’re moving
forward. It’s critical we’re all on the same page!
We’re making lots of changes to records, so please add to the spreadsheet as you work: I:\Program
Services\Resource Center\Current Documents\FamilyHousingConnectionCleanup.xlsx
Starting immediately, we do not refer families to a shelter or transitional housing, rather we screen them for
FHC, who will determine the best agency to serve them (families looking for permanent housing will be
referred to HousingSearchNW). We do not need these records in the database for future referrals, though we
do need to access the records to run reports on the first quarter of this year.
FHC Stand-alone family shelters
Remove from the database (i.e. Defunct to the Archive folder)
 We don’t need to maintain information on these agencies, so no updates, no records, etc.
 Referral data is still available, so reports can be run on Q1 without problems.
FHC Multi-Service agencies with Family Shelter service(s)
Remove data that makes the record accessible:
 Remove Service from web (Referral Required? Yes)
 Remove Link Record for Service (phoneworkers who search by Agency Name can’t access the
record, and it won’t come up in taxonomy searches)
FHC Multi-service agencies with Family Shelter AND individual shelter services
 Check with agency to confirm individual shelter is still in operation (many have morphed into only
family shelters with the emergence of FHC)
 remove references to families, clarify references to individuals (including taxonomy, short and full
descriptions, eligibility, etc)
Agencies not participating FHC
 There are a handful of agencies that are not participating in FHC. For clarity’s sake, we’re also following
the above guidelines for non-FHC agencies (i.e. removing all references to family shelters and
transitional housing in the database).
 We will call non-FHC agencies to let them know we’re removing them from the database, and to ask if
they want to be on a flyer passed out by CCS.
 We will create a one-page flyer for CCS to share with clients after their assessment; the non-FHC
agencies will be included on this page.
 Stand-alone non-FHC agencies will be removed from the database. Contact information (for updates)
will be maintained by the Housing Specialist and updated regularly.
Domestic Violence Family Shelter
DV shelter intake remains a separate process from FHC. At this time, no changes will be made to DV Family
Shelter records. Message from Rob to CIL:
“I wanted to clarify the process surrounding referring DV Survivors to DV shelters/FHC. If someone calls who is
currently experiencing DV, we should be referring them to DV shelters only. The only time that we should refer
DV folks to FHC is: if they specifically request enrollment in FHC to, for example, obtain transitional housing; if
they indicate that DV occurred in the past but they are no longer in danger or being pursued; if they insist in
enrolling in FHC; or if they are currently in DV shelters and were instructed to call 2-1-1 to obtain an FHC
assessment appointment. Nine times out of ten you should be referring DV folks to DV shelters. I hope this makes
things a bit more clear. Feel free to contact me with any of your concerns or questions. Thanks again for your
flexibility and you hard work in making the FHC launch successful, I really appreciate it!”