Waterloo Swim Team Terms and Conditions

Waterloo Swim Team Terms and Conditions
(This is a separate document must be fully reviewed, signed, and turned in prior to the first practice. This can remain in your
handbook for reference of the agreement you and your swimmer(s) signed and turned in.)
All fees collected by the Waterloo Swim Team, including USA Swimming registration fees, are not
refundable and must be paid prior to the swimmer entering the water.
Dues are to be paid by the registration deadlines as set by the Board of Directors. Special considerations
should be discussed with the treasurer and a board member.
Should a swimmer decide to discontinue participation in the program with LOO, any outstanding fees,
including meet fees, are considered an obligation of the swim parents, and are payable upon termination of
All swimmers, who are members of LOO, are encouraged to participate at their highest level of achievement
in championship meets (including relays).
Code of Conduct:
This Code of Conduct is to enhance the positive experience of all swimmers and ensure that we are providing
a fun, safe and positive learning environment for all of the participants. All members of the
LOO Swim Club must follow the Code of Conduct as listed below. Failure to comply will result in
immediate disciplinary action determined by the guidelines below, the Head Coach and the Assistant
Coach. If necessary the President of the swim club will also assist in the disciplinary ruling.
As a participant of the LOO Swim Club, I agree to the following:
 I will act in a sportsmanlike manner towards my teammates and fellow competitors.
o Understand proper lane etiquette & refrain from behavior that will inhibit the progress of my fellow swimmers.
o Wait in water for races to finish.
o Shake hands with competitors.
 I will be respectful and supportive of my teammates whenever and wherever possible.
o I will refrain from any/all hurtful behaviors including but not limited to hitting, kicking, fighting, teasing,
name calling, ignoring etc.
o I will not use inappropriate language or gestures.
o Destruction or vandalism of other’s property will not be tolerated.
 I will be respectful towards all coaches, officials, and meet staff at all times.
o No talking when they are talking, listen, answer respectfully when spoken to, follow directions/instructions.
 I will bring all necessary equipment, supplies, and uniform to each practice/meet and be responsible
for my belongings.
 Any swimmer who uses alcohol, drugs, or tobacco is subject to suspension from the team.
 All members of the club, including parents, coaching staff, or swimmers, will strive to protect and
improve the excellent reputation of the club.
 All members of the club, including parents, coaching staff, or swimmers, will show complete and
total respect to one-another at all times and in all places.
 I will arrive on time to all meets and practices.
 I will have a positive attitude, always do my best and I will have FUN!
 I will not “hang-out” in the hallways more than 10 min. prior to the start of practice.
If a swimmer (or parent) feels that he/she is not being treated in accordance with the above expectations
they should ask to schedule a meeting with the Head Coach and Board Member to address their concerns.
If the Head Coach or Board Member finds that a club member is in violation with the above Code of
Conduct, discipline will be handled by following the Waterloo Swim Club Discipline Guidelines.
Discipline Guidelines
To help both our coaches and swimmers, the following are discipline guidelines will be enforced:
1. Behavior and safety infractions will be subject to “time-outs”.
 Behavior infractions include any actions that disrupt practice and/or the ability of the coach to communicate
with the team, and are in force during practice, meets, and during transport to/from meets.
 Safety infractions include actions that jeopardize the health of teammates and coaches.
 Infractions will be documented by the coaches (per date, time, and offense) and will be shared/verified with
the club president.
 Coaches will determine the length of time out based on the seriousness of the infraction.
 Timeouts will be served on the swim bleachers, not in the locker rooms.
Locker room infractions will result in loss of locker room privileges for one week. Swimmers will be required to
change in the office outside the boys’ locker room before practice and after practice. They will not be allowed
to use the showers. Locker room infractions will follow the infraction rules detailed under #3 below.
Infraction 1: Time-out by coach or loss of locker room privileges for 1 week
Infraction 2: Time-out by coach or loss of locker room privileges for 1 week
Infraction 3: Parents will be called to the pool for a meeting with the coach(s) and the club president and loss of
locker room privileges for 1 week
Infraction 4: Parent/coach/swimmer meeting. 1-week suspension from the team including a meet
Infraction 5: Parent/coach/swimmer meeting. Dismissal from the team and forfeiture of all registration fees
In the case of an infraction that breaks a school or pool policy, it will automatically skip to a third infraction
and the parent meeting will be requested within 48 hours.
Vandalism to school property will result in immediate dismissal and forfeiture of all registration fees.
Any damage to school property is the responsibility of the guilty swimmer and their parent(s), and will
be handled with the school superintendent.
All swimmers will adhere to the Code of Conduct set forth in the Waterloo Swim Club General Information.
As a Swimmer of the Waterloo Swim Club, I have read and/or discussed all the above with my parent(s) and I agree to follow the
Code of Conduct and Discipline Guidelines as stated above.
Swimmer #1 (Print name and sign)
Swimmer #2 (Print name and sign)
Swimmer #3 (Print name and sign)
Swimmer #4 (Print name and sign)
As a Parent of the Waterloo Swim Club, I have read and discussed all of the above with my swimmer(s) and agree to follow
the Code of Conduct and Discipline Guidelines as stated above.
My family will show complete and total respect to all club members, including coaching staff, parents, and swimmers at all
times and in all places. My family will strive to protect and improve the reputation of the club.
My family will bring forth any issues or concerns to the head coach, board president, or other board member for discussion or
I am aware of the Required Parent Volunteer Events:
o Three Home Meets: Oct 19. 2013, Jan 18, 2014, and April 26, 2014
The events listed are vital to our club’s financial success. Please mark these dates and plan to volunteer. Failure
to do so will result in a $50 fee per event. If you are not able to attend for any reason, contact in advance the
Club President.
Should our family discontinue participation with the Waterloo Swim Club, any outstanding fees, including
meet fees and volunteer fees, are considered an obligation of the swim parents, and are payable
immediately upon termination of participation.
Parent Signature