Welcome to 7th Grade Mrs. Walsh Room 234 Welcome Welcome to Seventh Grade Language Arts. I am looking forward to a positive and productive school year. This handbook will help guide students through the 2015-2016 school year. SUPPLIES All supplies are due no later than Friday, September 11, 2015. It is imperative that all students have their school supplies on this day; students will be assembling their Language Arts Handbooks and folders. Below are the supplies needed for Language Arts. During the course of the school year, students may need to replenish their supplies. These supplies are needed in class each day. o Black or blue pens (at least one dozen) o Colored pens (at least one dozen) o Pencils with erasers (at least two dozen) o Eraser caps (at least one package) o Highlighters (any colors) o Sticky notes (Post-its – any color or size) o One composition notebook or one-subject spiral notebook o Lined notebook paper (no less than 200 sheets) o One 2 ½- or 3-inch, three ring binder (to be left in classroom) o A pack of tabbed dividers (8-10 tabs) o One two-pocket folder (for homework) o One box of tissues for the classroom SUMMER READING A summer reading written assessment will be conducted in class on the second day of school. All students should bring their novel(s) and completed organizers to class. Extra copies of the Summer Reading organizers can be found on the school website. Students will write about one of the two books they read during the summer. Students will then take an Accelerated Reader quiz for their second book during the second week of school. 2 Classroom Rules CLASSROOM RULES In order for the class to run smoothly, all students are expected to follow the Classroom Rules. Be on time, be on task, and be prepared. Listen carefully and follow directions. Respect yourself, your teacher, other students, and property. Use Chromebooks only as instructed. Behave appropriately at all times. Always be your best and do your best. Failure to follow these rules will result in a reduction of class participation points for the marking period. There will be no exceptions to these rules. 3 Homework HOMEWORK All students received an assignment calendar for recording homework assignments. This is designed as an organizational tool. Students will record homework assignments at the beginning of every week; updates will occur as needed. It is recommended that parents and students work together to ensure the assignment book becomes a habit. Additionally, homework and test dates are available on the class website. Both students and parents should take time to become familiar with the website; it is a valuable resource. Homework will also be listed on Google Classroom. Whenever possible, documents handed out in class may be linked in Google Classroom. It is the responsibility of the student, however, to keep track of hard copies handed out in class. **Please note that due dates are subject to change. Student planners and the homework board are the primary sources for accurate due dates. HOMEWORK POLICY Weekly/Daily Assignments: Regularly occurring homework is assigned in Grammar, Wordly Wise (Vocabulary), and Independent Reading. Other Reading and Writing assignments may also be assigned. Additionally, students are required to independently read a book every day. 4 Homework will be graded as follows: Day homework is due = 100% One day late = 50% Two or more days late = 0% Homework will NOT be accepted late for unexcused absences. **It is important to note that homework is LATE if a student does not bring it to class during his or her regularly scheduled class period. Students will not be allowed to retrieve homework from their lockers or another classroom during their regularly scheduled class period. When a student shows the work to the teacher EITHER the next period OR the next day, it is then considered late and scored at 50%. If a student is in school but excused from Language Arts class for SOAR or Band, he or she must submit all homework prior to going to these sessions. Reading/Written Responses, Process Writing, and Long-Term Assignments: Assignments in this category include Wordly Wise Responses, Reading Responses, Essays, and other long-term projects. These assignments will be graded as follows: Any assignment that is past the due date will result in 5 points off the total score for EACH day it is late. Any assignment that is not turned in within ONE WEEK of the assigned deadline will no longer be accepted and will be recorded at 0%. If a student is absent on the assignment due date, but was in school on the day the assignment was given, the assignment is due one day after his or her return to school. Additional time to complete the assignment will not be allowed. 5 Missing Work MISSING CLASS There will be times when students miss class for a variety of reasons. Any missed classwork or homework will be clipped to the whiteboard in the front of the classroom. It is a student’s responsibility to meet with a teacher upon his or her return to school. If a student misses a quiz or a test due to an excused absence, he or she will have one week from the day he or she returns to school to make up the required assignment(s). It is the responsibility of the student to schedule make-up assessments. If an absence is unexcused (i.e., vacation), students will be required to make up any work missed one day after his or her return to school. This includes tests and quizzes. When a student misses class, the student’s name will be written on the board for one week as a reminder that he or she has outstanding work. After one week, the name will be removed from the board, and the student will receive a zero in PowerSchool for that assignment. The literature textbook is available online and can be accessed through the same site as the Science textbook. This will allow students to make up any reading classwork. It is once again the responsibility of the student to complete work missed in class. Work missed throughout the marking period will not be accepted at the end of the marking period. SOAR and BAND LESSONS Students in SOAR and Band will be pulled from class periodically. Students should first come to the classroom to inform the teacher that they have SOAR or Band. At that time, students may turn in any homework and receive any classwork/homework they will miss during class. Students MAY NOT attend SOAR or Band if there is a test in class or if they have outstanding work. Students attending these pull-out sessions are responsible for all work missed. 6 Lost Books LOST BOOKS If a student loses any of his or her workbooks or novels, he or she must pay for a replacement. Replacement books range from $10 to $20. Payment should be made via check, payable to “Watchung Borough Board of Education.” Google Classroom and Chrome Books GOOGLE CLASSROOM Each Language Arts class will have access to Google Classroom. The majority of class assignments will be done through Google Classroom. Google Classroom also contains reference materials for students to use throughout the school year. In addition, weekly homework assignments will be listed as “Announcements”. Whenever possible, Google Classroom will include links to any handouts distributed in class. Students will receive instructions to join Google Classroom. Chromebooks Students are expected to have their charged chromebooks with them each day; we will be using the chromebooks on a regular basis. All students will adhere to the Guidelines as established in the Chromebook Handout. 7 Grading and PowerSchool GRADING/POWERSCHOOL All grades will be posted to PowerSchool weekly. Tests and quizzes will NOT be sent home. Tests and quizzes will be reviewed in class with students when returned by the teacher. All graded work will be kept in a folder or in student binders in the classroom. Parents will be contacted if a student is not meeting class expectations. Interim reports will be sent at the midpoint of each marking period if a student is earning a Cor lower. Students will receive two grades for Language Arts: Reading and Writing. Grading Scales can be found on the next two pages. 8 WRITING Process Writing 20% Written Responses 30% o Writing workshops conducted regularly during class. Written responses related to our Literature Anthology o Regular, timed writing assessments o Tests Grammar Tests o Various projects related to our Literature Anthology o 15% Quizzes Scheduled and unscheduled Grammar Quizzes o Grammar homework occasionally collected and scored as a Quiz o 10% Homework o o Regularly assigned Grammar exercises Additional assignments related to process writing 15% Class Participation Students start each week with forty class participation points. In order to earn these points, students must: - Be on time - Be prepared with all necessary materials - Participate in class regularly o Students will lose ten points per day for the following: - Excessive talking or disruptions - Failure to stay on task - Disrespectful behavior - Failure to participate - Failure to have required materials in class - Coming late to class without a pass - An uncharged Chromebook o Violations of the code of conduct may result in a zero for class participation for the week or marking period. o 10% 9 READING Tests o o o o Selections in the Literature text Novel study Independent Reading Projects Wordly Wise Midterm and Final Exams Reading Responses o o o o o Responses to reading in our literature anthology Responses to independent reading Responses to Current Events and/or other nonfiction materials Timed responses to reading in preparation for state testing Responses to Wordly Wise passages Quizzes Vocabulary Quizzes for each Wordly Wise Lesson o Accelerated Reader Quizzes o 30% 25% 20% Homework o o o Regularly assigned Vocabulary lessons Additional assignments related to our reading anthology Various assignments in the NJ Progress workbook 15% Class Participation Students start each week with forty class participation points. In order to earn these points, students must: - Be on time - Be prepared with all necessary materials - Participate in class regularly o Students will lose ten points per day for the following: - Excessive talking or disruptions - Failure to stay on task - Disrespectful behavior - Failure to participate - Failure to have required materials in class - Coming late to class without a pass - An uncharged Chromebook o Violations of the code of conduct may result in a zero for class participation for the week or marking period. o 10% 10 Wordly Wise Wordly Wise: The vocabulary workbook is called Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6. Wordly Wise will be introduced and reviewed on Mondays during Reading class (unless otherwise noted). The Wordly Wise workbook is required in class every Monday. Assignments will consist of completing lesson sections A-E in the workbook. However, for every other lesson, students will complete only sections A-D, read the passage in section E, and write a one-paragraph short answer reading response about the passage. Reading responses will be completed and submitted via Google Classroom. Quizzes will take place on Fridays after two lessons have been completed and reviewed (approximately every three weeks). In addition, students will have a midterm and final exam for Wordly Wise. 11 HELPFUL VOCABULARY WEBSITES The Wordly Wise 3000 Vocabulary Program provides direct vocabulary instruction and enhances reading comprehension. In addition to class instruction, students can expand and enhance instruction via activities available online at: http://wordlywise3000.com/ The website contains Audio Word Lists that support correct pronunciation and aid struggling readers. The Audio Word lists also contain self-check questions that test for understanding. Additionally, there are six games that reinforce word meanings and build retention via multisensory activities. ***************************************************************************** Vocabulary practice is now also available at VocabularySpellingCity. http://www.spellingcity.com/vv2013 For Vocabulary practice, find the appropriate list. Next, choose Games, and choose one of the Free Activities. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these additional activities on a regular basis. ***************************************************************************** Another great site is vocabtest.com. Scroll towards the bottom to find the Wordly Wise 3000 books. Click on the appropriate grade level and lesson. Next, click "Test Checked Lessons." On the next page, there will be options for taking practice tests or playing games. http://www.vocabtest.com 12 Grammar Grammar: Grammar instruction will take place on Tuesdays and some Wednesdays for Periods 2 & 8. Grammar instruction will take place on Fridays and some Thursdays for Periods 4 & 7. The materials have been compiled from Pearson Writing and Grammar, Prentice Hall Literature, and Sadlier Writing for Grammar. Students will receive a note packet for each lesson as well as a unit packet of worksheets to be completed as homework. At the end of each unit, students will receive a study guide packet in preparation for the unit test. Units of study this year will include: Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and the basic sentence. A review of capitalization and punctuation will take place throughout the year. The Prentice Hall Grammar program provides additional grammar practice opportunities. Some exercises in the student text are available online. 1. Go on-line. Enter URL: PHSchool.com 2. Enter Web Code eak-6002 3. Then, choose the appropriate chapter and topic from the menu The Auto Check Feature automatically grades the exercises and provides instant feedback. 13 Reading and Writing Reading: The reading textbook, The Prentice Hall Literature Common Core Edition, is a comprehensive literacy program that teaches the Common Core standards and helps students become better readers, better writers, and better thinkers. Each unit addresses a BIG Question to enrich exploration of literacy concepts and reading strategies. Students will examine a wide range of reading incorporating both fiction and nonfiction selections. Lessons in reading and literary skills will follow and will provide students with an in-depth exploration of genres and standards. The Common Core Literature textbook is available online and can be accessed on the same site and with the same login/password as the Science textbook. Students can access the textbook as well as the audio version of the stories covered in class. In addition to the Common Core Literature textbook, students will also be utilizing the NJ Common Core Progress workbook. The lessons in the workbook consist of short reading passages in a variety of genres with guided and independent practice. Each lesson will be conducted in class. At times, students will work at home in this book. 14 Writing The 6th Grade Writing curriculum ensures that all students receive instruction and writing opportunities needed to reach grade level expectations in writing. Students will participate in Writers' Workshop where they will work independently, with peers, and with teachers to navigate the writing process and master their writing skills. During Writers' Workshop, students will participate in a variety of writing mini-lessons and/or pre-writing activities. Students will maintain a Writers' Notebook to use during these sessions. The types of writing to be covered this school year will include, but are not limited to: poetry, personal narratives, analysis, compare/contrast, argumentative, and research. 15 Independent Reading Weekly Reading: Each day, students are required to read 25 pages in a teacher-approved, independent reading novel. The novel must also be available in the Accelerated Reader program. Monthly reading logs are completed via Google Classroom and are due every Friday; the logs will be assessed as a homework grade. Students are NOT allowed to abandon an independent reading book, so they should choose carefully. Reader's Workshop: Students are required to have an independent reading book with them EVERYDAY in class. Accelerated Reader: 16 Accelerated Reader will be accessed in class during the weekly Readers’ Workshop period. As students complete their independent reading books, they will use their chromebooks to take a quiz on their independent reading book. Students will take Accelerated Reader quizzes throughout the year. Quizzes are due approximately every four weeks. Students do NOT need to wait until the due date to take a quiz. For example, if a student finishes his or her book two weeks into the four-week cycle, he or she may take an AR quiz during the next Readers’ Workshop class. Accelerated Reader quizzes may only be taken in class during Reader’s Workshop. Students may NOT take an AR quiz in homeroom, ABC, or another class. AR quizzes CANNOT be accessed or taken at home. Final Thoughts Students requiring extra help should contact me to arrange a time to meet. The best way to contact me is via email. My email address is swalsh@watchungschools.us. Once again, welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts. 17 Acknowledgement of Language Arts Handbook Please return this portion of the Language Arts Handbook, signed and dated. I, , have read and understand the policies and expectations of my Language Arts class as outlined in Mrs. Walsh’s Language Arts Handbook. Student signature Date 18