William Justin Morgan Modern Languages and Classics 803 Frank Thomas Ave. The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Tel: (205) 737-5097 Tel: (205) 348-5059 wmorgan@crimson.ua.edu Education The University of Alabama Ph.D. in Linguistics, Expected 2019 The University of Alabama M.A. in Spanish Linguistics, 2015 The University of North Alabama B.A. in Foreign Languages, 2012 Teaching Experience The University of Alabama, The College of Arts and Sciences Tuscaloosa, AL Graduate Teaching Assistant/Instructor: Two sections per semester. Conducted classroom activities, corrected papers, administered exams, lesson planned, conducted office hours and completed various administrative tasks. Spanish 201 (Spring 2016) Spanish 103 (Fall 2015) Spanish 102 (Spring 2015) Spanish 101 (Fall 2014) Team-Teaching Assistant: two sections of Elementary Spanish. Team teaching under supervision of Ph.D. student. Conducted classroom activities, graded, corrected papers, and completed administrative tasks. Spanish 101 (Fall 2013) Spanish 103 (Spring 2014) University of Montevallo Montevallo, AL Adjunct Professor: Responsible for creating Spanish 101 course for beginners. Spanish 101 (Fall 2015) Tuscaloosa County School System Tuscaloosa, AL Language Tutor, Spring 2015 Tutored Hispanic immigrant students at Hillcrest High School with their English proficiency in a group and individual setting. Responsible for assessing language acquisition and progress throughout the semester. International Work Experience Centro Panamericano de Idiomas, 2012-2015 Ensured the adaptation and successful immersion of study abroad students from diverse backgrounds. Lived abroad in Costa Rica for eight months, 2012-2013, Summer 2014 and Summer 2015, working for an internationally top-ranked, DELE certified Spanish immersion school with campuses in San Joaquín de las Flores, Monteverde and Flamingo. Worked in Departamento de Grupos as a representative for the school. In charge of planning and executing immersion programs for schools such as Duke University, New Mexico State University, Georgia Southern University and many more. Translated and interpreted in professional settings such as clinics, hospitals and guest speakers. Translated professional documents for the language school. Current Projects Exploring the linguistic effects of paired (more than one) vs. non-paired (individual) homestay placement during short-term study abroad programs as well as students’ attitudes towards their homestay experience. Exploring students’ global competence and acculturation of university level students during a short-term study abroad sojourn through journal/diary analysis. Research Interests Second Language Acquisition; Study abroad and immersion effects on SLA; Dialectology; Hispanic Studies; Immigration and migration; Bilingualism; Classroom Pedagogy Conference Presentations Morgan, William J. February, 2014. Panel. La inocencia como un tema importante en los textos de Darío y Nájera. Paper presented at the Alabama Modern Language and Classics Conference: Tuscaloosa, AL. Morgan, William J. October, 2014. Vocabulary Frequency in Introductory Spanish Textbooks: A Corpus Study. Mississippi Foreign Language Association conference: Louisville, MS. Morgan, William J. December, 2014. Un estudio sobre los vocativos en Costa Rica. IV Congreso Internacional de Lenguas Modernas: San José, Costa Rica. Morgan, William J. February, 2015. Panel. Explorando las dificultades de ser inmigrante en los EEUU: Interpretaciones del filme Entre Nos (2009), de Gloria La Morte. Paper presented at the Alabama Modern Language and Classics Conference: Tuscaloosa, AL. Miller, Alyssia and William Morgan. 2015. Social Media in the Foreign Language Classroom: Facebook versus Twitter. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Lanugage (ACTFL). Expected November, 2015. San Diego, CA. Academic Service Academic Journal External Editor, Revista de Filología y Lingüística Evaluator for the academic journal of the University of Costa Rica. Reviewing and editing professional academic articles. La última letra Treasurer 2015-2016 Served on the executive board of Spanish graduate student organization. Responsible for all financial aspects and organization of social meetings with professors from the department. The University of Alabama Language Conference Spokesperson 2015-2016 Responsible for all communications with faculty and visiting conference presenters. Served on executive board. Responsible for organization of language conference in Spring of 2016. Spanish Departmental Tutor, 2013-2014. Tutored elementary and introductory undergraduate Spanish students with coursework. Learned how to communicate effectively and efficiently linguistic concepts. Spanish Convention Organizational Committee Member, Spring 2014. Responsible for preparing the 2014 Spanish Convention at The University of Alabama under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Mood and Dr. Erin O’Rourke. Learned the importance of community outreach Language Program Director Assistant, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Assisted Dr. William Worden with administrative responsibilities during first year of Master’s program. Special responsibilities include aiding in communication with job candidates for future Language Program Director position and doing an analysis of two Spanish textbooks, elementary and intermediate, which were then chosen as the new textbooks for the 100 and 200 level Spanish courses at The University of Alabama. 200 Level Spanish Coordinator Assistant, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Aided in 100 level Spanish administrative responsibilities under the supervision of Dr. William Worden and Timothy Alford. Responsible for handling excuse petitions and aiding in lab orientation scheduling. McGraw-Hill Consultant, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Aided in revising and editing Spanish grammar of elementary and intermediate Spanish online language programs used by universities with McGraw-Hill textbooks. Worked under the supervision of Janet Banhidi and Dr. Leticia McGrath. Membership in Organizations American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2015-Present) Mississippi Foreign Languages Association (2014-Present) La Última Letra (2013-Present) Honors and Awards Travel Awards Departmental Travel Grant (Fall 2015). Departmental Travel Grant (Spring 2015). Departmental Travel Grant (Fall 2014). Capstone International Center Travel Grant (Fall 2014) Honor societies Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (2015) Sigma Delta Pi Honor Society (2014) Tau Beta Sigma Honor Society (2010) Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society (2008) Study Abroad Costa Rica program – The University of North Alabama (2012). Program directed by Dr. Claudia Vance with assistance from Dr. Gabriella Carrasco. Three-week program in San Joaquín de Flores, Costa Rica. Placed in most advanced Spanish course. Mexico Program – The University of North Alabama (2008). Program directed by Dr. Claudia Vance. Four-week program in Mérida, México. Placed in Intermediate level course. Languages Spanish: Near-native proficiency French: Intermediate oral proficiency, Intermediate-High reading proficiency References Dr. Douglas Lightfoot Department Chair of Modern Languages and Classics Associate Professor of German lightfoot@ua.edu (205) 348-5059 Dr. Bryan Koronkiewicz Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics Language Program Director, Spanish bjkoronkiewicz@ua.edu (205) 348-7648 Dr. Alicia Cipria Advisor Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics acipria@ua.edu (205) 348-8483 Dr. Isabelle Drewelow Assistant Professor of French Linguistics Language Program Director, French idrewelow@ua.edu (205) 348-8463 Dr. Erin O’Rourke Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics eorourke@ua.edu (205) 348-6046