The Study of Foreign Languages

The Study of Foreign Languages
By Em Hubbard, Headmaster
How do America's schools rate, compared to other countries, in the teaching of foreign
languages? Sadly, Americans have historically put very little emphasis on this part of the
curriculum. At DEA, we have traditionally offered Spanish 1 in the 10th grade and Spanish
2 in the 11th grade. In recent years, there has been no foreign language study in
elementary or middle school. While this pattern offers students the minimum number of
credits for entrance into our state’s university system, it is not enough to prepare them for
success in the modern world.
Modern technology, such as functional MRI, has allowed scientists to observe brain
activity to better understand how language skills are acquired. They have determined that
early language study is critical to later language proficiency because the brain cells
responsible for language acquisition must be "activated" through use at an early age -- or
be lost forever. This explains the difficulty of trying to learn a new language in adulthood.
Most adults cannot shed the accent of their native tongue or regional dialect. A common
theme of recent discoveries is the need for more study of languages and the earlier in life
the better.
While we cannot currently afford to hire another foreign language teacher, we can provide
foreign language exposure in the Lower School by using an online Spanish curriculum and
other technology based resources. The online curriculum has components which are
perfectly appropriate for our children and require only an internet connection and a bigscreen monitor. Bringing these resources into our classrooms is one of the academic
improvements being implemented this year.
For longer range planning which will come through our self-study and strategic plan, I
hope that technology-based foreign language study (for high school credit) will be
introduced in middle school and become available throughout high school. Continuous
study for many years is required to develop proficiency in a foreign language and
progressive middle schools nationwide are introducing the first year of formal foreign
language as early as 7th grade. On the other end, some universities are raising their
entrance requirements to 3 high school credits in a foreign language. Both of these trends
emphasize the need for students to be better prepared for the 21st Century by
understanding another language, and thus the culture of those who speak that language.
One of our overarching goals should be to make sure DEA graduates are "second to
none" in their preparation for higher education and for success in life. Proper attention to
the study of languages is an important component of this principle. Additionally, a
technology-based approach to studying Spanish provides the added benefit of our
students becoming familiar with online learning – another skill they need for success in the
21st Century.