Academic Foundation Programme Questions for 2015-17 East Anglia: Cambridge (200 word limit) Please upload CV for the Cambridge AFP How would training in the Cambridge Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. East Anglia: Norfolk and Norwich (200 word limit) Please upload CV for the Norfolk and Norwich AFP How would training in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. East Midlands (200 word limit) How would training in the East Midlands Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Mersey (200 word limit) Please submit a CV giving examples of: 1) Undergraduate Career 2) Research Experience 3) Training Experience 4) Relevant Publications 5) Any Additional Information that you may think is relevant. your CV should be no longer than 3 A4 pages How would training in the Mersey Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. North Western (200 word limit) Your CV should include: Summary of Research experience This should include specific examples, including the extent of your involvement. For example; evidence of activities in clinical, educational or quality research. Summary of Training experience This should include details of any relevant training. For example, for research you could include Clinical Trials Regulations, Good Clinical Practice, consent or other training appropriate to non-clinical research. For leadership, you could include relevant courses and/or experience and for education you could include qualitative research and/or relevant courses. Relevant Publications The should include reference to all publications submitted within a national or regional forum. We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research, teaching experience and leadership. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of an activity and its significance to your application for an academic foundation programme. Give an example in which you have participated and contributed to the successful working of a team. The example should identify your role and contribution to the team. Explain the significance of what you have learned to support your application for an academic foundation programme in the North Western Foundation School. Please provide a supporting statement of up to 200 words to give your reasons for applying for an academic foundation training programme in the North Western Foundation School. You should demonstrate how you meet the person specification, and how such a training programme will develop your career and contribution to medicine. Northern (200 word limit) Please identify your educational reasons for applying for the Academic Foundation Programme in the Northern Foundation School? We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Give two examples of your non-academic achievements and their significance to your application for an Academic Foundation Programme Pick two domains of the General Medical Council's Good Medical Practice (2013) and illustrate your qualities with two relevant examples in respect to these domains. Give one example in which you have demonstrated your leadership abilities. The example should be from your undergraduate experience (or postgraduate experience if relevant) and should identify your specific role and contribution as a leader and its relevance to academic activities. Northern Ireland (200 word limit) Please upload a CV - this will not be scored. Please note that should you be successful, the information on your application form will be shared with Queen's University Belfast We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Publications: Please describe your contribution to one of the publications or posters described in your application form. Please give examples and brief details of any experience you may have had of management and leadership. Please indicate how your career goals may be influenced by this foundation academic career opportunity Based on the academic foundation posts available in Northern Ireland, what academic specialties would you be interested in and why is the particular area of interest to you. Oxford (200 word limit) We acknowledge that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please describe: a) Your research experience to date b) Your teaching experience to date What are the teaching and research skills (maximum of 3) that you would most like to take away from the Oxford Academic Programme, and that you do not already have? Briefly outline your strategy for acquiring or developing these skills. Describe how you would set out to answer a research question that has arisen from a specific clinical case that you have been involved in. How would training on the Oxford Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career goals? Scotland (200 word limit) Please describe your involvement in research to date. Describe up to 2 research projects you have been involved with. What part did you play in planning, undertaking and presenting this research? Describe your involvement in teaching in at least 2 different settings. Explain how you learned to be a teacher and how this has influenced your teaching to different types of students. Outline an example that you consider to be best practice. Please describe your experiences as a team leader. Describe up to 2 of your leadership roles. What did you gain from these experiences? Please explain why you think that Scotland is the right place for your future academic training, giving at least 2 reasons why you think it will benefit your future career. South West (200 word limit) Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 1 Across our AUoA we are able to offer separate academic programmes focussed on research, education or management. Please explain your rationale for your choice of programmes. Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 2 Please outline your previous research experience and achievements. Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 3 Please describe your previous relevant teaching experience and achievements as a teacher. Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 4 Please describe your experience and achievements as a leader and/or manager. Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 5 Please give details of your special study modules or elective attachment (or proposal) and their significance to the development of your academic career. Candidates should treat each question separately and not assume that their other answers will be seen by each shortlister (e.g. do not use phrases such as ‘as indicated in question 2’ or ‘as I have explained above’) Question 6 Give one example of a non-academic achievement and its significance to your application for an Academic Foundation Programme. Thames (200 word limit) Question 1 We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research, management and teaching experience. Please give one example from your post-secondary education career to date, of a research project, management or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation programme. Question 2 Please give a second, different example from your post-secondary education career to date, of a research project, management or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation programme. Question 3 Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that will be relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Question 4 Please give one detailed example to describe your contribution to academic life during your medical school career and how it will be relevant to an academic medical career (NB do not use examples previously used in questions 1 or 2). Wales (200 word limit) Please provide your CV Question 1: How would training in the Wales Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? Question 2: We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Question 3: Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Wessex (200 word limit) Question 1 What are your career plans and reason for applying to Wessex for an academic foundation programme? Question 2 We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation programme. Question 3 Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Provide an example that is relevant to foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team. Please identify your role and contribution to its success. Question 4 Why is research important for the NHS? Question 5 Please give examples of any academic medical research or education you have presented locally, nationally or internationally as oral or poster presentations or as published but not presented abstracts. Highlight in no more than 100 words one research skill you have developed in the course of creating the abstract or poster presentations. West Midlands (200 word limit) Reasons for applying for this programme: How would training in the West Midlands Academic Foundation Programme contribute to your overall career plans? Please do not write more than 200 words. Research and teaching experience: We recognise that applicants will have had varying levels of research and teaching experience. Please give one example in your medical student career to date of a research project or teaching experience and its significance to your application for an academic foundation Programme. Please do not write more than 200 words. Teamwork: Academic medicine requires an individual to work successfully in a team. Describe a time that is relevant to your foundation training when you have worked as a successful member of a team and identify your role and contribution to this success. Please do not write more than 200 words. Communication and dissemination: Describe your contribution to, participation in and development of either dissemination of research or to a teaching activity. Please do not write more than 200 words. Professionalism: Look at the GMC’s guidelines “Good Medical Practice”. Pick one of the four domains of Good Medical Practice, state this and illustrate, with examples, how you have demonstrated your commitment to this. You can find the guidelines at Please do not write more than 200 words. Leadership: Give one example from your personal, educational or professional experiences that demonstrate your leadership skills. You should identify your specific role and contribution as a leader. Please do not write more than 200 words. Yorkshire and Humber (200 word limit) All applicants to answer this question. Q1. Give an example of a situation during your medical training where you received feedback (positive or negative). Explain how the feedback, and the way it was given to you, changed or will change your subsequent behaviour / practice. All applicants to answer this question. Q2. Effective team working can have a significant impact on the quality of the patient experience. Describe a clinical case you have observed where there has been a multi-disciplinary approach to discharge planning. Describe how the interactions between the multi-disciplinary team impacted on the quality of the patient’s care. What have you learned from this experience about effective multi-disciplinary team working and how will you put this into practice as a foundation doctor? This question is to be answered by those applying for a Research post. If the applicant has applied for both Research and Medical education posts, this question is to be answered if the applicant has ranked a research post as their highest preference. Q3a. Describe your understanding of the different aspects and types of academic research, using examples from your own experience (please include dates and any specific research projects undertaken). This question is to be answered by those applying for a Medical Education post. If the applicant has applied for both Research and Medical Education posts, this question is to be answered if the applicant has ranked a medical education post as their highest preference. Q3b. Describe below the key skills and qualities required to be a good medical educator, using examples from your own experiences. Please include dates of any previous teaching and experience in medical education, including any educational research projects undertaken.