ROBERTA BONDAR By: Esha Nigah PERSONAL BACKGROUND 1) born on December 4, 1945and is 65 years old right now 2) born in Sault Ste. Marie and not dead Quick Time™ a nd a TIFF ( Un compr ess ed ) de co mp res sor ar e n eed ed to s ee this pic tur e. PERSONAL BACKGROUND #2 1) dad’s name is Edward and her mom’s name is Mildred 2) has a dog named Betsey 3) has a sister and her sister’s name is Barbara SIGNIFICANCE #1 1) was the 1st female to go up to space 2) took off from earth on Januar22,1992 3) stayed in space for 8 days I hr and 46 min SIGNIFICANCE #2 1) published some books 2) some books she published are called Landscapes Of Dreams, Passionate vision, Edge Of The Earth, and Touching The Earth SIGNIFICANCE #3 1) crews names are Ronal J. Gabe, Stephen S. Oswald , David C. Hilmers, Norman E. Thagard, and William F. Readdy 2) They all landed from space on January 30, 1992 BIBLOGRAPHY 1) 2) 3) 4)