PSA Meeting 12th January 2016 at Rising Sun, Pensford Attendees

PSA Meeting 12th January 2016 at Rising Sun, Pensford
Attendees: Tracy Jones (Treasurer), Lisa Cains, Victoria Spicer, Kirsty Wickenden
Apologies: Jo Barnes (Secretary), Donna Squire (Chair), Claire McQuillan & Sharon Bretton
Items Discussed:
1) Welcome to everyone
Everyone was welcomed and thanked for attending the meeting.
2) Whose Who and What Was Expected of Them
There was a discussion on the roles of the 3 main members of the committee Chair, Secretary and
Treasurer. We believe the following is accurate:
The role of the Chair was to oversee the committee
The role of the Treasurer is to keep a record of banking transactions/keep accounts
uptodate and make sure any invoices are paid
The role of the Secretary to Record who are members of the PSA, Advertise any meetings,
prepare agenda for meetings, take minutes and type/distribute these via school email and
There was also a discussion on who are the current PSA members. We believe that the following
people are also members of the PSA.
Lisa Cains
Victoria Spicer
Kirsty Wickenden
Sharon Breton
Claire McQuillan
Sarah Curtis
Apologies to anyone missed, please let Jo Barnes know or, if you would like to become a member
please contact Jo Barnes. ACTION: ALL
3) Update on Finances
Our current bank balance is a healthy £4,104.88 in credit. It was agreed that although there is no
recommended amount to be kept as a reserve, that we will keep £1,000 as a reserve amount. We
will review this amount in the future if need be.
A sum of £4.70 was made as a result of doing teas and coffees and the 2 recent leaving assemblies.
This money is currently with Tracy Jones until she gets the paper work from Jess Cox. ACTION: Tracy
Jones to bank
Signatories – Victoria Spicer and Lisa Cains have volunteered to be signatories on the account and
have made contact with Jess Cox to start the process or sorting this out. ACTION: Victoria Spicer and
Lisa Cains
It was agreed that for future events, which have been agreed by the PSA, that any expenses for
these events would be paid upfront so that the member of the PSA is “not out of pocket” should an
event be a flop!
4) Quantum Theatre Group – Snow White – Visit to school
We were asked by Miss Bishop if we would fund this event. After a discussion, it was agreed that we
would fund this event for a number of reasons. The children have been through a lot of changes
lately and to show parents where some of their hard earned contributions have gone. The
performance is booked for Friday 22nd January 2016 and the cost is £240.00. The school were really
pleased with us funding this event and promise to publicise us paying for it. A cheque for the money
needs to be given to the Theatre Group on the day. ACTION: Tracy Jones to organise a cheque.
5) Nutty Noah – Monday 15th February 2016
A very big thank you to Lisa Cains and Victoria Spicer for organising this event. It has become very
popular and is nearly sold out!!!! As at 9.47pm there were 116 tickets reserved!!! The expenses so
far for this event are £30 for the hall hire. It was agreed that there would be a stall selling Bagged
Sweets, Cakes and Teas/Coffees. Help will be needed to man these stalls. Doors open at 1.30pm so
help will be needed to man these stalls. Please see Lisa Cains if you think you can help out in anyway
as Lisa is preparing a rota. Action: Tracy Jones to liaise with Lisa Cains about refunding her the fee
paid. Lisa Cains to draw up a rota and distribute with a poster.
6) Pensford 10K – 24th April 2016
It was agreed that we would keep the same format as in previous years. We need to find out where
the old goody bags/spare medals are. Victoria Spicer will produce a poster and use Facebook to
promote the event, as the 10K are keen to promote the Fun Run as much as possible. It was hoped,
that after doing such a fantastic job at the fun day, that Donna Squire would possible source us a
mascot for the day – may be Darth Vadar or a Storm Trooper. It was also agreed that if each PSA
member could source 3 prizes each for the raffle then that would take the pressure off of Victoria
Spicer. We need these prizes by 31 January 2016 and if we can communicate via facebook on our
success that will be great. ACTION: Victoria Spicer to search for old stock of medals, produce
poster, promote the event, and keep up communications with 10K committee. Donna Squire to
source a mascot. All to obtain 3 raffle prizes.
7) Any Other Business
Miss Bishop would like email addresses so she can contact the PSA directly. ACTION: Tracy Jones to
email Miss Bishop the email addresses for the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
It was agreed that we will have regular meetings and they will be held on 1st Tuesday of every
month. The location for the meetings will be swapped from pub to pub so show our support of local
businesses. We will try and do most communications via school email and Facebook.
Future events – we will discuss future events over the next couple of PSA meetings.
Next PSA Meeting – Tuesday 2nd February 8pm at The Travellers Rest, Pensford