Newsletter for Miss Lisa`s VPK Class

Newsletter for Miss Lisa’s VPK Class
Week of December 12th, 2011
Information to Know:
1. Every child should arrive no later than 8:30, every morning.
2. Every child should come to school with a nutritious lunch.
3. Lesson plans for the week, are posted on the web-site, as well as our classroom
bulletin board. Please check it out so you know what your child’s week looks
4. Thank you to all of you, who have made the time to meet with me, regarding your
child’s LAP-3 results. I am still trying to meet with some of you, so if you have
not met with me yet, please see Hannah or Sam, to set up a time.
Activities/Specials During the Week:
Monday-Access to the Large gym
Tuesday-Miss Michelle (Early Interventionist)
Wednesday-Students will help cook Greenie Meanie’s
Thursday-Miss Tracy (Occupational Therapist)
Friday-Miss Jen Mucha (Speech and Language Therapist)
*This week, we will continue discussing Winter Holidays, with
Kwanzaa, and the letter G.
Thank you for all of your support!
Miss Lisa and Team