Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements
• A PSA is an advertisement broadcast on radio or
television, in the public interest.
• PSAs are intended to modify public attitudes by
raising awareness about specific issues.
• A typical PSA is part of a public awareness
campaign to inform or educate the public about
an issue such as smoking, compulsive gambling,
or abuse.
• PSAs are not the same as CAUSE
MARKETING. The latter is when a
company markets a product to raise funds
for a cause (could be non-profit).
• PSAs are not the same a Political
Examples of PSAs
• Being Green
• Anti-Crack Cocaine
• Anti-Drugs
• Animal Rights
• Eating Disorder
Examples of student made PSAs using
Stop Animation
3} Chickens
4} Animal Shelter
What is a PSA?
1] A radio, TV or Computer announcement
2] A magazine image or poster
3] An advertisement selling something
4] A fundraiser
What is a PSA supposed to do?
1] Sell a product to a particular group of people.
2] Promote an event or fundraiser.
3] Educate or inform people about an issue and
available resources.
4] Persuade people to think a certain way.