Mrs. Wiley’s 9th Grade Honors English I Syllabus Office Hours: 7:45-8:30am by appointment Freshman Success Academy ~ Junction City High School ~ 785-717-4312 Overview: Welcome to 9th Grade English! I am excited to have you in my class this year. This year, we will explore new texts that are both fiction and non-fiction. We will learn how to analyze a text for deeper meaning. You will learn to negotiate with difficult language. Additionally, you will learn to write in a variety of genres, from argumentative texts, to narrative and informational. You will learn research skills and how English is used in the real world. Texts: -Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare -House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros -The Odyssey by Homer -“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe -Various short stories and other supplemental texts Materials Needed: The following materials must be brought with your to class every single day. Arriving to class without these items will result in loss of participation points. 1. One composition notebook 2. A small binder, binder section, or folder 3. Paper/Pencil 4. Personal Reading Book (can be personal, checked out from library or from Mrs. Wiley’s library) Grading Breakdown: There will be a variety of assignments given in class and outside. All assignments will be graded in three categories: Daily Assignments Projects Tests Percentage points of grades will breakdown as follows: 100-90% = A ; 89-80% = B ; 79-70% = C; 69-60 = D; 59 & Below = F Daily Assignments: In class, we will complete a number of assignments meant to enhance learning. These will potentially include worksheets, journal writes, binder-checks, discussion evaluations, and other assignments. Projects: Students will be given a number of diverse projects and assignments meant to increase their learning and involve them in the learning process. Longer writing assignments will be included in this category as well as book reviews. Tests: Throughout the year, students will be assessed on their retention, comprehension, and skill level in a variety of ways. These assessments will be frequent and both formative and summative. Quizzes will occur randomly, or as needed. There is the potential for pop quizzes, but most will be announced in advance. Tests will appear in many forms - as formal multiple choice exams, essay exams, final papers, final projects, or even discussion. All tests will be announced in advance. Absences and Tardies: I adhere to all school rules regarding attendance and tardies. Students who are tardy will be recorded according to school procedures. Students who are absent are allowed to make up all missed work. However, students are responsible for getting make up work. I will post students’ missing work on the designated bulletin board in the classroom, with their name on it. Students will be responsible to get missing work and will not be reminded by me. Students will have one week after returning to school to turn in missing assignments without penalty. Late Work: Homework is due on the days I designate. I will also usually allow assignments to be turned in by the end of the day (after seminar) for credit. However, this is a privilege that can be revoked. After the day it is due, all late work will be graded for partial credit (59%). Late work can be turned in until the end of a unit. After that unit, no late work will be accepted. Please be aware that I will accept any assignment via email at any time during the day. Make-up Work: To me, mistakes are learning opportunities. Therefore, I will allow students to re-do assignments for full credit as long as: It is completed within the time of the unit. You discuss the problems with the first submission with Mrs. Wiley before school or during seminar. You understand, if the assignment was late to begin with, it will be graded out of 59%. Extra Credit: My guidelines to extra credit: All extra credit will be valuable to the subject area (no presents, treats, etc.) All extra credit is available to all students; no special deals will be made for one student, and all extra credit will be equally accessible to students Each semester there will be at least two opportunities for extra credit. Such opportunities will be clearly posted on the class website. Electronics: I abide by all school/district policies regarding electronics. There will be times when I allow you to use your iPods/cell phones during class for music, or other classroom purposes. These times will be indicated with clear permission from me. Other than that, your cell phone, iPod, tablet, DS, or laptop should be kept in your bookbag or locker. If I see any electronic device and deem it is distracting from class activities, I will take it and follow school procedures from there. If you refuse to give up the electronic, I will send you out and call a parent. Classroom Rules: 1. Respect 2. Prepare 3. Engage Honors Expectations: As a student enrolled in Honors English I, your course will have expectations and assignments that regular English I classes do not. This course is designed to prepare you for Pre-AP English, AP English, and then college English. Therefore many of the activities we complete in class will be created with college standards and expectations in mind. Some of these expectations that you will see in my class are: Enrichment activities in class Outside of class projects More difficult texts in class More independent work in class Increased independent reading outside of class More frequent class presentations Limited opportunities to make up assignments Limited opportunities to turn in late work Additionally, as honors students, I will expect honors behavior. I do not expect any behavioral issues such as disrespect, tardiness, class disruption, etc. If such behaviors exist in my classroom, I will call your parents as soon as possible. If necessary, I will set up a conference with your parents and an administrator to discuss your continuing attendance in my Honors class. If you feel you cannot meet these requirements, you need to discuss your concerns with Mrs. Wiley and/or Mrs. Reynolds as soon as possible. It is unlikely for the counselors to switch your class mid-semester if you are struggling. Understand, my expectations will not change. You must rise to meet them. Please detach section below with requested student and parent signatures by Monday, August _____. Does your child have access to the internet, computer, and printer at home? Are there any allergies or medical conditions I should know about your child? Is there anything else you wish for me to know about your child as this school year begins? Best Phone Number/Contact: Name(s):_____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________ Best time to contact: ____________________________________________________________ I, __________________________ (Print Student Name), have read the above document and agree to abide by all classroom procedures listed here in. X:_________________________________________ Date:_______________________ I, __________________________ (Print Parent Name), have read the above document and agree with all classroom procedures, and will encourage my student to abide by said procedures. X:______________________________________ Date:_________________________