Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 1. Course Code C47SP 5. School Management and Languages 7. Delivery: Location & Semester Edin SBC Orkney Dubai IDL Collaborative Partner Approved Learning Partner Sem 1. Sem……. Sem……….. Sem…….. Sem…. Name…………………….....Sem..…... Name …………………………………Sem……….. 8. Pre-requisites 2. Course Title 6. Course Co-ordinator 7 4. Credits 15 Pablo La Porte The two semesters are synoptically linked. Code: 12. Degrees for which this is a core course Date Of Replacement: 13. The course may be delivered to: 3. SCQF Level C47SX1 and C47SY2 or equivalent 9. Linked Courses (specify if synoptic) 10. Excluded Courses 11. Replacement Courses Spanish Post-Beginners Elective 1 UG only PG only UG & PG 14. Available as an Elective? Yes No 15. Aims To enhance existing knowledge of Spanish in order that students can express themselves effectively in a wide variety of situations. To communicate in writing, using complex sentence structures. To apply and extend complex grammatical structures to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. To understand and respond effectively to authentic spoken discourse. 16. Syllabus Present orally in German opinions and discuss spontaneously with peers and native speakers a variety of topics Develop knowledge of complex grammatical rules and patterns and apply these to a range of situations (grammar covered: pronouns, reflexive verbs, adjectives and adjective endings; relative clauses; preterite and imperfect tense; future ; the imperative; the subjunctive; conditional sentences; prepositions; adverbs and connectors). Write texts for a wide variety of purposes in grammatically accurate and idiomatic Spanish (especial emphasis is given to idioms and colloquial expressions). Develop listening skills based on dialogues and speeches by native speakers of Spanish in everyday contexts. Read and demonstrate understanding of texts produced for a wide variety of purposes. Topics to be covered: people’s descriptions; clothing, the house; culture (with particular emphasis on Spanish culture but also of the whole Spanish-speaking world), travel and geography; getting around; transport; the environment; the media; health and sports. Text required for use in class and self-study is: Belchí Arévalo, M. and Carter, P. J.: Síntesis. Curso intermedio de español. Coloquio, 1998. The lecturer will provide additional written and listening materials in class as well as making use of the Spanish TV programmes and other Web resources. The expectation is that students will finish the textbook by the end of the year (15 units) 1/2 Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness) Subject Mastery Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills Personal Abilities Demonstrate ability to understand and respond in Spanish to authentic Demonstrate ability to identify and analyse grammatical issues in Spanish spoken discourse Formulate adequate solutions to intermediate translation-related Engage in spontaneous conversation with peers and native speakers of problems. Spanish Acquire an awareness of language evolution and changes in language Present information orally in Spanish production. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures of Spanish. Show awareness of cross-cultural differences and apply this knowledge in Spanish language production Industrial, Commercial & Professional Practice Autonomy, Accountability & Working with Others Communication, Numeracy & ICT Demonstrate ability to gather and sort information Structure and make presentations Acquire an awareness of Spanish culture and the Spanish speaking world Improve appropriate Spanish register and vocabulary. 18. Assessment Methods Method Duration of Exam Scholarship, Enquiry and Research (Research-Informed Learning) Self-management skills fostered by the need to be Communicate effectively in Spanish committed to a purpose, to manage self-study Use ICT for language-learning effectively and to work to deadlines Purposes appropriately. Participate in teamwork, peer conversation, group activities. To take account of own and others’ roles. Responsibilities and contributions in carrying out and evaluating certain tasks. 19. Re-assessment Methods Weighting (%) Synoptic courses? Method (if applicable) Duration of Exam (if applicable) Formative Assessment: Lecturer, peer and self-assessment of exercises (group discussions, role plays, partner discussions) Continuous Assessment: Lecturer assessment of various written, aural comprehension and oral exercises. Summative Assessment: Written examination 20. Date and Version Date of Proposal 50% Yes. Exam during resit diet. I hour at end of semester 1. 1 hour 50% Date of Approval by School Committee Date of Implementation Version Number 2/2 Diet(s)