Pastoral Plan MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE PARISH OF ST. RICHARD We, the faith-filled Eucharistic community of Saint Richard Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, seek to build the kingdom of God by witnessing to the Good News of Jesus Christ. As the Body of Christ, we joyfully celebrate the Sacraments, the Word of God and our Catholic Tradition. We strive to strengthen our parish family through spiritual devotion and faith formation. Impassioned by our love for Christ, we reach out and serve the needs of the entire community. Below are the Goals of the Pastoral Plan for St. Richard Parish that focus on the Five Essential Qualities of Parish Life. We encourage your review, and welcome your feedback. Please write your comments below each goal, and submit via one of the following options: Place in the COMMENTS box in Narthex Place in a weekly collection basket inside an envelope marked “Pastoral Council” Mail to St. Richard Parish in an envelope marked “Pastoral Council” Scan/email to (1) Evangelization – Sharing Scripture and Tradition with, a) The non-baptized, b) those who have been baptized but have drifted away from practicing the faith, and c) supporting the baptized who need to evangelize. Goal: Create a welcoming presence and provide avenues to witness, nurture and proclaim the faith. Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 (see other side) (2) Eucharist – Wellspring of our catholic (universal) identity, “re-converting” us to the truth of Christ every Sunday through the Holy Eucharist and thus renewing our spiritual strength to live for God. Goal: Create and nourish our Catholic identity as a faith-filled Eucharistic community by our life of liturgy. Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Catechesis – Process of forming the individual in a sacramental manner to live the faith of Christ. Goal: Cultivate and build up our Church family upon Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition. Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________ (4) Formation – Sustains the foundation laid by catechesis by enriching one’s faith with multiple and varied avenues of growth within our Catholic Tradition. Goal: Provide opportunities for conversion to Christ and continued spiritual growth. Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Stewardship – How we utilize the talents, time and treasure with which we have been entrusted to build the Kingdom of God. Goal: Attain growth of ministries by nurturing participation from active parishioners while encouraging participation from less active parishioners. Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Week3