This document should be read in conjunction with our Pupil

Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
This document should be read in conjunction with the SPC Pupil Premium Policy document which details the aims and purpose of Pupil
Premium, and how the College will use the dedicated funding to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students.
Funding for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-Up and EAL support
Funding stream
Pupil Premium
Financial status
Paid to SPC, as an estimated funding, in April 14 based on
Jan 14 census.
Looked after
Children (LAC)
Year 7 Catch up
Part of PP
EAL students
Not yet paid to SPC. A question exists presently about
whether this will be paid. If paid, will be in Feb 15 based on
Oct 14 census.
Still to be ascertained.
Total income
October 14 adjusted allocation from EFA is £310,650. Was
allocated from April 2014 but is the basis of most spending
in the 14-15 school year – see below table. For SPC there
were 337 students being funded in the January 14 census
SPC presently has 272 PP in Y8 –Y11. This excludes the Y7
PP students
£500 per Y7CU student. 21 CU students in present Y7.
£333.33 will be allocated, from Sep 14, to each EAL student
for their first 3 years in British education.
£322, 650
Actions in black are those already allocated monies for the financial year 14-15. Those in red are strategies that have been allocated
monies previously, or are new proposals, both of which need to be investigated, planned for and implemented to help raise
standards at SPC.
Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
Actions required
Intended impact
Budget allocated for
academic year 14-15
Need to appoint a SENCO, no one presently
in this statutory post.
To oversee and co-ordinate the
‘closing of the gap’ for SEND, PP,
Y7CU and EAL students.
Nil allocation for 2014-15
as no dedicated SENCO in
SEND administrator
Track progress of all SEN students to ensure
that they reach their milestones towards 3
levels of progress.
Close the gap between SEN
students and the rest of the
student body
Community Managers
Train HOCs further in tracking the progress,
behaviour and attendance of PP students in
each community. Allow additional time to
undertake this
Ensure all such students are on track
to reach their milestones.
£44, 950
Additional Maths teaching
Provide extra Maths teaching especially for PP
Ensure that PP students, especially
those vulnerable to not reaching C
grade in Y11, attain it through extra
Student Services
To redeploy an existing staff member as a
Community Support Leader to ensure all
communities have an allocated support
Track and look to ensure that all PP
students in each of the four
communities reaches 3 levels of
progress in Y11 or is on track to in
other years.
Classroom Assistants
Deploy Classroom Assistants to support PP
To ensure that PP students in all years,
especially Y11, reach their 3 levels of
Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
progress targets or milestones
towards them
Direct COLA staff towards 'Year seven catch-up'
and booster sessions for those below expected
levels of progress
Y7 below L3 on entry to reach L4 by
end of school year. Ensure any Y8 still
below L4 reaches that level by end of
July 14. Ensure all Y9 have reached L5
by end of school year
Intervention Managers
IM's employed to teach Y11, including PP
students, additional lessons in English and
Maths. IM's to work with Y9 and Y10, including
PP students, below 3 levels of progress in
booster groups
Students in Additional lessons to reach £23,374
3 levels of progress and/or C grade as
appropriate. All students receiving
Booster Groups input to reach
milestone towards 3LOP by end of
school year 13/14
Employ Attendance Officer to track attendance
of PP students
PP students to be at 95% attendance
as rest of school
Lifelong Learning, Careers
Funds allocated to pay for Accelerated Reader
programme, Intensive pairs reading initiative
and other literacy based projects for PP
All PP students in Y7 to undertake AR
and improve reading ages. Target Y7
PP students in paired reading initiative
and improve reading ages. Undertake
AR with older PP students and
improve reading ages.
Total allocated
Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
Extra Curricular Activities
Alternative Provision
Pupil Premium students to be targeted as first
priority for Alternative provision - KS4
Pupil Premium students to attend
Alternative provision where
appropriate. PP students to reach
milestones towards 3 level of progress
Breakfast Club
Provide nutrition for PP children before school
to aid learning.
PP students to attend breakfast club
where desired
Subsidy of music lessons for PP students to aid
development of musical and academic skills
PP students who wish to have music
lessons able to do so
Revision Classes
School holiday revision clubs to be run in Easter
and May half -term holidays. Staff costs etc
PP students in Y11 targeted, invited
and their
progress towards 3 LOP monitored.
Enrichment Days
Monies made available to fund places for PP
students on Enrichment Days - July 14
All PP students who wish to access a
high cost Enrichment Week activity
able to do so.
After School Clubs &
To run after school and lunchtime sessions for
all Y11 students including PP who need extra
Ensure all PP students are targeted
and invited to participate in these
Celebration and Prizegiving evening. Vivo
points system. Target PP students
To ensure that PP students receive a
prize where appropriate
Ensure PP students have free access to SAM
Target PP students in Y11 and ensure
they have access to SAM learning
Software Licences
SAM Learning
Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
learning to assist with GCSE revision
either at home or in school
Provide continuous learning for PP students
struggling to access mainstream school and
assist with engaging disaffected learners
Target PP students across all years and
ensure access to Edlounge made
available where appropriate
Accelerated Reader
Make AR available to all Y7 and small groups of
targeted students in other years where
Target PP students first in Y7 prior to
extending to reluctant readers in Y11.
Handwriting practice with
Handwriting intervention (pm form-time) PP
A different group each day would
enable up to 20 students to be
impacted and reach appropriate level
of handwriting.
Carnegie group
Invite 5-10 students Academically Able PP
students to read and review Carnegie Prize
books in form. Provide challenging activity for
able PP students not often targeted.
Measurable impact in terms of
SARs milestones. Reaching 4 or 5
Y11 Maths PP focus groups
Students reach 3 or 4 LOP as
Cost of ingredients for PP students across
all years.
All PP students provided with
ingredients as needed.
Examples of various
strategies/ideas to
Revision guides
School trips
Sixth Form resources
Ideas going forward
Planned intervention for Pupil Premium, Year Seven Catch-UP and EAL students for 2014-15
Many more available
Locksley/PRU support
FSM registration service
School uniform
Transport costs
Basic skills materials for Y7 CU
Reading schemes
Training for COLA staff in literacy and
numeracy (Number counts programme
All to be individually tracked in
External intervention in Maths and English
terms of impact
where appropriate
Improved ICT in English intervention room
Maths tuition – small groups inc Y7CU
KS3 Holiday clubs in Maths
Practical Maths resources – Cubes etc
5 day intensive Maths programme in Spring
15 (Y11)
Subscription to appropriate materials for AA
Dynamic learning materials for Life Studies