A to Z Picture Book (Individual Project)

The Odyssey Project:
Option 3
A to Z Picture Book (Individual Project)
This is your opportunity to create a children’s alphabet book utilizing The Odyssey. You will have
one page per letter with illustrations/pictures/images for each letter’s sentence. If this is a project
that interests you then you might want to check out Children’s alphabet books in your local library.
Step #1:
Write a sentence about The Odyssey utilizing each letter of the alphabet. The book must be in
alphabetical order. For example, when you start with “A”, you could write a sentence about
Antinious, Aeaea or even Alcinous. The more descriptive or detailed your sentences are, the
more points you will receive for each.
Poor example:
Better example:
“Aeaea is where Circe lived.”
“Aeaea, the mystical island of the enchantress Circe,
contained men turned to animals.
Write the letter of the alphabet in a very large manner somewhere on the page and then the
sentence somewhere else on the page. Remember only one letter per page (this
means….yes…. your book will have at least 26 pages.)
Step #2:
Decorate your alphabet page with images that reflect the meaning behind your sentence. You
may utilize any artistic skills that you would like (i.e. collage, computer images, drawing, etc.).
Creativity does count!!
Step #3:
Your book must be bound with a “cover.” You may not use notebook paper and simply staple it
together. Be creative and have fun. Make it look as professional as possible. Who knows…..
maybe one day someone will want to publish it. 
Quality of Sentence Structure/Literary Accuracy:
35 pts.
35 pts.
15 pts.
10 pts.
5 pts.
100 pts. 