BIOGRAPHY BOOK REPORT - Sarasota Military Academy

Protestant Reformation and Scientific Revolution ALPHABET BOOK
To learn about the Protestant Reformation and Scientific Revolution, you will create an Alphabet Book to
explain many of the terms, people, events, places, and ideas associated with the Reformation and
Scientific Revolution. (Textbook pp. 237-252 Chapter 13 sections 3-5)
Monday/Tuesday December 7/8 2015 Blue/Gold
1. You will need one entry for each letter of the alphabet (excluding X and Z) for a total of 24
2. For your book, you must include the following:
3 concepts (ideas that caused or were involved in the Reformation or Scientific Revolution)
4 key terms
5 significant people (important people who influenced or had a major part)
4 key events (important events of the Reformation or Scientific Revolution)
2 geographical locations (important places where important events took place)
The remaining entries can be your choice, but they must be associated with the Reformation or
Scientific Revolution.
3. Each entry must:
• have at least 2 sentences which provide an explanation or definition of the entry’s significance.
You must tell why it was important to this time period, not just who, what or where it was. You
may use first or last names for letters.
• have an appropriate visual for each entry. You may use drawings (in color) or pictures from
books, magazines, or the Internet.
• be neat, creative, and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
• be written in your own words. Any information that is printed directly from a source will be
considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.
• have a page number at the bottom of the page.
4. Your book must include
• a colorful, attractive cover that binds the book together. You can staple, hole punch and bind, or
put it in a folder
• a bibliography at the end of your book that cites the sources you used. Please follow the format
from the sample bibliography found on the back of this sheet or you may use APA or MLA.
Sample ABC Book Entry
G is for George Washington. He was the commander of
the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.
He led a surprise attack against the British when he and
his army crossed the Delaware River.
** This is a sample entry only
p. 7
Bibliography Information
List each source used with the author’s last name, first name, and the underlined title of the
book. Example: Morrison, John. American Revolution Facts.
If you are using a website, just list the name of the site. Example:
Project Scoring Rubric
ABC Book (80 pts.) Assessment Grade (It counts as a test grade)
 Did you include an entry for each letter of the alphabet (excluding X and Z)?
(1 pt. per sentence = 2 pts. per entry)
(1 pt. per entry)
 Did you include a bibliography with all of your sources cited correctly? (2)
 Did you include a colorful, attractive cover? (3)
 Are your entries free of spelling and grammatical errors? (2)
 Did you exhibit creativity throughout your book? (1)
Alphabet Book Scoring Rubric
ABC Book (80 pts.)
 Did you include an entry for each letter of the alphabet (excluding X and Z)?
(1 pt. per sentence = 2 pts. per entry)
(1 pt. per entry)
Did you include a bibliography with all of your sources cited correctly? (2)
Did you include a colorful, attractive cover? (3)
Are your entries free of spelling and grammatical errors? (2)
Did you exhibit creativity throughout your book? (1)
Total (80 pts)
Alphabet Book Scoring Rubric
ABC Book (80 pts.)
 Did you include an entry for each letter of the alphabet (excluding X and Z)?
(1 pt. per sentence = 2 pts. per entry)
(1 pt. per entry)
Did you include a bibliography with all of your sources cited correctly? (2)
Did you include a colorful, attractive cover? (3)
Are your entries free of spelling and grammatical errors? (2)
Did you exhibit creativity throughout your book? (1)
Total (80 pts)
Alphabet Book Scoring Rubric
ABC Book (80 pts.)
 Did you include an entry for each letter of the alphabet (excluding X and Z)?
(1 pt. per sentence = 2 pts. per entry)
(1 pt. per entry)
Did you include a bibliography with all of your sources cited correctly? (2)
Did you include a colorful, attractive cover? (3)
Are your entries free of spelling and grammatical errors? (2)
Did you exhibit creativity throughout your book? (1)
Total (80 pts)