
MVTV Board Meeting 4.2.13
MVTV Board Members Present: Anne Lemenager, Jonathan
Revere, Richard Skidmore, Peter Vincent, Richard Knabel, Gail
Tipton, Wayne Greenwell, Ann Bassett, Fred Lapiana, Geoffrey
MVTV Board Members Not Present: John McCormick, Bob
MVTV Staff Present: Stephen Warriner
Anne Lemenager called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
Jonathan Revere made a motion to accept the March 5, 2013
MVTV Board Meeting Minutes. The vote was unanimous in
favor with Gail Tipton, Richard Skidmore and Wayne
Greenwell abstaining.
Vote: 4 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 3 – Abstention
Executive Directors Report
Stephen Warriner spoke about a meeting with the Cable Advisory
Board & the discussion of the stationary camera kits the towns are
requesting. The towns liked the idea of the Ipad Mini as a
recording option. Anne Lemenager stated that once each town has
signed the contract with Comcast, MVTV would present its
contract to the CAB for each town to sign and negations between
MVTV and the towns will begin. Stephen Warriner spoke about
the lights that will be placed into the new studio. Stephen Warriner
spoke about buying new light kits that will be LED and will not get
hot. The MVTV Board had a discussion about the new lighting
Anne Lemenager made a motion for Stephen Warriner to
order a light kit from B&H. Jonathan Revere seconded the
motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Vote: 10 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
Building Committee Update
Richard Knabel spoke about the progress of the building, one coat
of paint has been applied, and the MVTV Mural has been done on
the curved wall. Doors are currently being installed and the septic
system has been completed. Interior work is still being completed
and will take a little while along with the electrical work. Richard
Knabel stated that the paving of the driveway would be pushed
back because of delays at the plant. Wayne Greenwell asked about
the flooring. Anne Lemenager stated it will be a do it yourself
rubber flooring that the high school kids have offered to help out
with and MVTV has saved a lot of money by installing it our self.
Richard Knabel stated everything is still on schedule.
Chairman’s Report
Anne Lemenager spoke about her meeting with Jeff Krystal, and
his request for MVTV to cover the Dukes County Advisory Board
meetings and how to decide what government meetings MVTV
covers. Fred Lapiana spoke about how the CAB and MVTV will
have to talk about covering additional government meetings and
who will pay for them in their negations. Fred Lapiana asked what
makes one meeting more important to cover then another. Jonathan
Revere responded that in West Tisbury the town pays for
additional coverage of the finance committee. Stephen Warriner
also stated MVTV would be swamped if we covered every single
one of the town meetings. Richard Skidmore stated that the fixed
cameras that the towns requested solve the problem of each town
wanting coverage for each of their meetings because they can
videotape them there selves.
Jonathan Revere made a motion that MVTV will cover the
Dukes County Advisory Board Meetings per request of a
County Advisory Board member. Richard Knabel seconded
the motion.
Fred Lapiana opened the discussion and stated MVTV should
amend the motion to say that subject to any further
agreements with the town because the towns may not advise
covering certain meetings. The MVTV Board decided to keep
the motion as it was, and revisit it if need be in the future.
The vote was unanimous in favor.
Vote: 10 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention.
Old Business
New Business
Richard Knabel made a motion for adjournment. Richard
Knabel seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Vote: 10 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
The meeting was closed at