MVTV Board Meeting Minutes 2.4.14

MVTV Board Meeting Minutes 2.4.14
MVTV Board Members Present: Gail Tipton, Ann Bassett, Anne
Lemenager, John McCormick, Wayne Greenwell, Peter Vincent, Richard
Knabel, Bob Tankard and Richard Skidmore.
MVTV Board Members Not Present: Geoffrey Parkhurst, Bill McGrath
and Fred Lapiana.
MVTV Staff Present: Stephen Warriner and Laura Martino
Recorder: Laura Martino
Anne Lemenager opened the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
Peter Vincent made a motion to accept the January 14th, 2014 MVTV
Board Meeting Minutes as amended. Richard Knabel seconded the
motion. The vote was unanimous in favor with Gail Tipton, Wayne
Greenwell and Richard Skidmore abstaining.
Vote: 6 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 3 – Abstention
Director’s Report
Stephen Warriner went over the 2014 MVTV Budget with the Board.
Richard Skidmore asked about advertising in the local paper, which was
eliminated last year. Anne Lemenager stated it would be brought up at the
next MVTV Board Meeting. The MVTV Board had a discussion about the
2014 MVTV Budget.
Bob Tankard made a motion to accept the 2014 MVTV Budget. Ann
Bassett seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Vote: 9 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
Stephen Warriner spoke about ongoing server issues, and researching the
new server option Caustic. Anne Lemenager and Stephen Warriner will be
going away to look at a station that is using the Caustic Server. The MVTV
Board had a discussion about the Caustic Server.
Peter Vincent made a motion to buy the Caustic Server subject to
Stephen Warriner and Anne Lemenager visit to see the new server, and
Stephen Warriner making the final decision. The vote was unanimous
in favor.
Vote: 9 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
Chairman’s Report
Anne Lemenager spoke about the passing of MVTV Board Member
Jonathan Revere. The MVTV Board had a moment of silence for Jonathan
Revere. The MVTV Board had a discussion about honoring Jonathan Revere
at MVTV.
Richard Skidmore made a motion to name the MVTV Scholarship after
Jonathan Revere. Richard Knabel seconded the motion. The vote was
unanimous in favor.
Vote: 9 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
Long Range Planning Committee Report
Ann Bassett spoke about the meeting and about the idea of hanging local
artists artwork at MVTV. Ann Bassett said the meeting was a success and
she will continue to update the board.
Old Business
Anne Lemenager asked about the progress of buying a Go-Pro Camera and a
drone. Stephen Warriner stated that MVTV will not be buying a drone
because of insurance purposes and the camera has not been purchased yet.
New Business
Anne Lemenager spoke about MVTV Board vacancies, two positions are
empty, Member Elect and Tisbury Appointment. Tisbury knows it needs to
get its vacancy filled. The MVTV Board had a discussion about suggestions
of people to fill the Member Elect position and will discuss more at the next
board meeting. The next MVTV Board meeting will be March 4th, 2014 at
Anne Lemenager made a motion for adjournment at 3:30 p.m. Peter
Vincent seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Vote: 9 – In Favor, 0 – Against, 0 – Abstention
The meeting ended at 3:30 p.m.