2/11/2014 - Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District

Regular Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2014
President Anthony Alford called to order the Regular Meeting of the Terrebonne Levee and
Conservation District at the TLCD office located at 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, Louisiana, 6:00
o’clock P.M. on February 11, 2014.
Angela Rains led the opening prayer, and Commissioner Henry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
American Flag.
Upon roll call by Ms. Rains, Commissioners recorded as present were: Mr. Alford, Mr. Chauvin, Mr.
Guidry, Mr. Henry, Mr. Shaffer, and Mr. Moore. Commissioner Daisy is noted as entering the
meeting at 6:15 P.M. Commissioner Pinkston is recorded as absent.
Under Public, there was no one wishing to address the board.
Under disposition of minutes, there was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner
Chauvin, to accept and ratify the minutes of the Regular Meeting dated January 14, 2014. The motion
There was a motion by Commissioner Shaffer, seconded by Commissioner Henry, to accept and ratify
the minutes of the Finance Meeting dated February 3, 2014. The motion passed.
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Henry, to accept and ratify
the minutes of the Planning & Projects Committee Meeting held on February 3, 2014. The motion
Executive Director Reggie Dupre discussed the letter that was submitted to the TLCD by Program
Manager Mitch Marmande stating his decision to leave the employment of T. Baker Smith and start a
company of his own. Mr. Dupre commended Mr. Marmande on the quality of work he has provided
the past five years as Program Manager.
At this time, Mr. Dupre introduced Mr. Kenny Smith, President of T. Baker Smith, LLC, who
addressed the board regarding the resignation of Mr. Marmande, and the possibility of a change in the
program manager contract that T. Baker currently has in place with the District. Mr. Smith wished Mr.
Marmande the best of luck in the future. He said it is the goal of T. Baker Smith to provide assistance
in building future levees in whatever capacity the District would like them to.
Mitch Marmande thanked the board for allowing him to work as program manager the past five years.
Mitch thanked Mr. Kenny Smith and others he has the pleasure of working with the past twenty years.
Mr. Marmande introduced Jason Kennedy, who will be his partner in the new company - Delta Coast
Consultants, LLC. He said their new company would be open to assisting the TLCD in the future in
any capacity allowed.
Mr. Dupre asked the board to consider retaining Mr. Marmande as Program Manager through his new
company - Delta Coast Consultants, LLC, and also to continue working with T. Baker Smith on future
Regular Meeting
February 11, 2014
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There was a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Henry, that TLCD send
notice to T. Baker Smith of the intention to terminate the existing Program Manager's contract, and to
engage the services of Delta Coast Consultants on an interim basis pending the execution of the final
rate structures and contract, and authorize the Executive Director, the Finance Chairman, and Legal
staff to negotiate a Program Manager's contract with Delta Coast Consultants, and to authorize the
Executive Director, the Finance Chairman, and Legal staff to negotiate a Task Order Professional
Services contract with T. Baker Smith, LLC. After negotiation, the contracts will be brought back to
the board for final adoption. The motion passed.
Under Management’s Report, Greg Gautreaux asked the board to approve the estimate from Louisiana
CAT for repairs to the excavator (Unit 57), in the amount of $15,555.12.
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, to approve the
estimate from Louisiana CAT for repairs to the excavator (Unit 57), in the amount of $15,555.12. The
motion passed.
Under Executive Director’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked Nick Matherne with TPCG to address the two
agreements for CIAP funding. The agreements are for the Falgout Canal Freshwater Enhancement
Project in the amount of $3,500,000.00 for Parish allocations, and $3,300,000.00 in State allocations.
Upon approval by TLCD, the agreements would be presented to the Parish Council for final approval.
The TLCD would manage the construction of the two water control structures in Reach E.
There was a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, to authorize the
Executive Director to execute the two agreements with TPCG for the Falgout Canal Freshwater
Enhancement Project, subject to Legal review. The motion passed.
Mr. Dupre asked the board to authorize the Task Order for Final Design on the Falgout Canal Structure
and Connecting Levees Project.
There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Henry, to authorize the
issuance of a Task Order for Final Design on the Falgout Canal Structure and Connecting Levees
Projects. The motion passed.
Under President’s Report, there was nothing to report.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Commissioner Henry,
seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to adjourn the February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting
of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District at 6:26 o’clock P.M.
Anthony Alford, President
Angela Rains, Secretary