Regular Meeting April 10, 2012 President Anthony Alford called to order the Regular Meeting of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District at the TLCD office located at 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, Louisiana, at 6:00 o’clock P.M. on April 10, 2012. Angela Rains led the opening prayer, and Commissioner Leward Henry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Upon roll call by Ms. Rains, Commissioners recorded as present were: Mr. Alford, Mr. Chauvin, Mr. Henry, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Guidry, Mr. Moore, Mr. Pinkston, and Mr. Daisy. Under Public, there was no one wishing to address the board. There was old business brought forward from the previous week for further discussion. Mr. Dupre asked the board for a motion to ratify the adoption of Resolution 12-005 requesting TPCG to budget funds for the Pointe-aux-Chenes Connection Project (CDBG) and authorizing TLCD’s board president to release the District’s share in the amount of $837,824.00. There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to ratify the adoption of Resolution 12-005 requesting TPCG to budget funds for the Pointe-aux-Chenes Connection Project (CDBG) and authorizing TLCD’s board president to release the Terrebonne Levee District share in the amount of $837,824.00. There was further review of the Letter Agreement from T. Baker Smith, LLC regarding levee inspection services. With the submittal and discussion of the appropriate rate schedule, Mr. Dupre asked the board for approval of the letter agreement. There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to approve the Letter Agreement submitted by T. Baker Smith, LLC for levee inspection services, with an upset limit of $10,000.00. A deviation was called for to address Resolution 12-009 for DOTD statewide flood control grant money for the installation of a surplus barge at the Pointe-aux-Chenes floodgate. There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to deviate from the regular order of the agenda to address Resolution 12-009 for DOTD statewide flood control grant money for the installation of a surplus barge at the Pointe-aux-Chenes floodgate. There was a call for Public on the motion to deviate. There was no objection to the deviation. There was a motion by Commissioner Guidry, seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to pass Resolution No. 12-009 for DOTD statewide flood control grant money for the installation of a surplus barge at the Pointe-aux-Chenes floodgate. There was a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to return to the regular order of the agenda. Regular Meeting April 10, 2012 Page Two Under Management’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked the board to authorize the District to seek bids for dirt for the Bush Canal/Lower Reach I Project. There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to authorize the District to seek bids for dirt for the Bush Canal/Lower Reach I Project. Under Other Discussion and Announcements, President Alford asked Commissioner Darrin Guidry to serve as his designee on the Morganza to the Gulf Task Force committee. Under Executive Director’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked the board to pass Resolution No. 12-006 authorizing the acceptance of the donation of steel sheet piles from West Jefferson Levee District to the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District. There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to pass Resolution No. 12-006 authorizing the acceptance of the donation of steel sheet piles from West Jefferson Levee District to the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District. Mr. Dupre asked the board to pass Resolution No. 12-007 authorizing the award of the bid submitted by Low Land Construction (FEMA) in the amount of $1,923,900 for the Montegut Marsh Management (J-2) Water Control Structure No. 2. There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, motion carried, to pass Resolution No. 12-007 authorizing the award of the bid submitted by Low Land Construction (FEMA) in the amount of $1,923,900 for the Montegut Marsh Management (J-2) Water Control Structure No. 2. Mr. Dupre asked the board to pass Resolution No. 12-008 in support of the 2012 State Coastal Master Plan. Mr. Dupre asked the board to accept Amendment No. 1 from Shaw Coastal, Inc. in the amount of $41,956.00 to assist the TLCD by providing engineering services during the preliminary phase of the Bayou Petit Caillou Gate Structure project subject to Program Manager approval. There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Talbot, motion carried, to accept Amendment No. 1 from Shaw Coastal, Inc. in the amount of $41,956.00 to assist the TLCD by providing engineering services during the preliminary phase of the Bayou Petit Caillou Gate Structure project subject to Program Manager approval. There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to pass Resolution No. 12-008 in support of the 2012 State Coastal Master Plan. Mr. Dupre asked for discussion and possible action on the Reach H-1 and water control structures. There was a two part motion made on this topic. There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to issue a Notice to Proceed to GSE Associates, LLC for final design of Reach H-1 Levee dirt work phase subject to review by MTG Program Manager Mitch Marmande. There was a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to authorize Reggie Dupre and Mitch Marmande to negotiate an engineering contract with Shaw Coastal, Inc. for design of the Reach H-1 Environmental Water Control Structures. Regular Meeting April 10, 2012 Page Three Under disposition of minutes, there was a motion by Commissioner Guidry, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to adopt the minutes from the Regular Meeting of March 13, 2012, as amended. There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to adopt the minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on April 2, 2012. There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to adopt the minutes from the Planning and Projects Committee Meeting held on April 2, 2012. Under Engineering updates, there was nothing to report. Under President’s Report, there was nothing to report. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to adjourn the April 10, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District at 6:43 o’clock P.M. ______________________________ Anthony Alford, President __________________________ Angela Rains, Secretary